Programme overview

Bachelor in Philosophy of a Specific Discipline

The study programme in a nutshell

A degree in philosophy is an excellent complement to any other degree. In the current age of uncertainty and rapidly advancing technologies knowledge of philosophical problems and skills remains relevant. This programme teaches you to express arguments clearly and to think critically and creatively.

Programme in numbers

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The full curriculum contains 180 European credits (EC) of which 90 EC will be in Philosophy courses. The Philosophy programme offers a set of core philosophy courses which amounts to 63.75 EC. The remaining 26.25 EC are obtained through a specialised set of courses on the philosophy of an EUR discipline (15 EC) and the thesis (11.25 EC). You might be able to use one of two sets of courses (15 EC) offered in block 1 as a minor for your complementary programme. This should however be checked with your complementary programme. You will obtain the other 90 EC by taking courses at your complementary programme.

Please note that the information on the courses that is laid out here may not be definitive and can be subject to change.

Practical information

The main language of the programme is English, but you may answer the exams in Dutch as well. To prevent clashes with lectures and seminars of your complementary programme, philosophy courses will be scheduled between 15.00 and 21.30 hrs. Lectures will be recorded, with the exception of the courses in Philosophy of an EUR discipline. 


In the programme we do not work with prerequisite courses, thus you are free to take up philosophy courses as they are scheduled. However, we advise you to follow the standard learning schedule below. Depending upon your individual wishes you can also make your own schedule.

Enrolled students should always consult the MyEUR page of their programme for the most accurate and up-to-date study information.

Course guide 2025-2026

Year 1

Year 2

Block 1

This course will merge the 2024-2025 courses Moral Philosophy and Ecophilosophy.

Block 2

This course will merge the 2024-2025 courses Philosophy of Science and Creativity and Discovery in Science.

Block 3

This course will merge the 2024-2025 courses Classical Thought and Pre-enlightenment Modernity.

Block 4

This course will merge the 2024-2025 courses Aesthetics and Technology and Social Change.

Year 3

As a requirement for obtaining your Bachelor of a Specific Discipline degree you have to write a philosophy Thesis related to your main complementary programme. To support you in doing so you are expected to partake in the Second Degree Bachelor Thesis and Milestones course.

Philosophy of an EUR discipline

Please note that your EUR-discipline block should add up to 15 EC in total. All EUR-discipline blocks have one or more mandatory course(s). Next to the mandatory course(s), you have to choose electives in your cluster to get a total amount of 15 EC*.

*Erasmus MC students only take mandatory courses since the total load of their mandatory courses adds up to 15 EC.

Philosophy of History

Mandatory Elective Courses

You’re allowed to choose the courses mentioned above that best match your main programme at EUC. 

Please send the courses of your choice to our study advisor to confirm that your choice matches your main programme (

As a non-EUR student whose complementary programme is not offered by EUR, you are asked to select a coherent set of courses (15 EC) that philosophically reflect on the body of knowledge related to the curriculum of your main programme.

When selecting these courses, you can consider our EUR-discipline courses, look at our full-time programme, or pick courses taught at other universities. Note that the courses you choose should match your main programme but cannot be part of it.

Please send the courses of your choice to our study advisor to confirm that your choice matches your main programme ( After confirmation by the study advisor, please send your choices to ESPhil's examination board ( for definitive approval. The deadline for sending your choices to the examination board is the first of October of the year that you started your Bachelor of a Specific Discipline.

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