Education events

Dual Degree in Arts and Sciences

Student for a Day IBACS

Being a student for a day means attending a lecture and getting a campus tour by one of our IBACS ambassadors. The goal of our student for a day programme is to help prospective students explore their possibilities. The dates of the events can be found below.

Student for a Day EUC

If you like the idea of Liberal Arts and Sciences but are still deciding which programme is a good match for you, then sign up for a (online) session with an EUC student.

Online Session with a Student

Who is it for?

If you like the idea of Liberal Arts and Sciences but are still deciding which programme is a good match for you, then sign up for an online session with an EUC student.

What does it look like?

In this one-hour session, an EUC student will walk you through Problem-Based learning, the curriculum options, first-year housing and answer any other questions that you may have.


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