Pre- and On Boarding

Joining a new organization and beginning a new employee lifecycle in a new country can be a challenging process. To make sure this goes as smoothly as possible Erasmus MC Graduate School provides a pre- and onboarding programme for new international PhD candidates. To partake in this programme, you need to be registered at the Erasmus MC Graduate School as a PhD candidate. This can be done as soon as your new department has confirmed that you have been hired for the PhD position. Either you or your department can register at Erasmus MC Graduate School via this form.  

After we receive your registration, the pre- and onboarding coordinator will contact you via email. You will be provided with an overview of everything you need to do before and after you arrive in the Netherlands. For example, what important documents you must bring or how to travel by public transportation, shop for groceries, or find housing in the Netherlands.

Graduate School Office organizes an introduction session each month. During this session you’ll be informed about Erasmus MC Graduate School and all the possibilities and other topics you need to know about as a PhD candidate at Erasmus MC. You’ll receive tips and tricks for a successful and enjoyable PhD trajectory, and you’ll meet a few key players in Erasmus MC Graduate School as well as some of your fellow new PhD candidates.  

This session is held every month. Sessions are from around 08:45 until around 12:30 hrs. You will be automatically invited to one of our introduction sessions when you are registered in Hora Finita.

As part of pre- and onboarding, Erasmus MC Graduate School offers a buddy program. Within this programme, new international PhD candidates will be paired with a buddy; a more experienced PhD candidate. The buddy will support you and answer questions that you may have about life in the Netherlands and working at Erasmus MC. 

We are always looking for PhD candidates who are interested in becoming a buddy for new international colleagues. 

Current PhD candidates of Erasmus MC can find more information about the Buddy Programme on Agora.

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