Programme overview

Infection and Immunity
Students Infection & Immunity Erasmus MC

Learning Objectives Infection and Immunity 

Knowledge and Understanding 
The recently graduated Master of Science in Infection and Immunity … 

  • can describe the fundamental concepts of replication and transmission of infectious microorganisms, and how these microorganisms interact with their host. 
  • can explain how infectious microorganisms cause disease in humans and animals at the level of the host, tissue, cell, and molecule. 
  • can describe the (patho)physiological functioning of the immune system and strategies to modulate immune responses to improve the health of humans and animals. 
  • can describe fundamental principles and procedures for isolating and characterizing (parts of) viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and immune cells, and studying their function. 
  • can integrate knowledge from biomedical sciences in the areas of virology, microbiology, and immunology with each other and interpret relationships with clinical disease. 

Research Skills 
The recently graduated Master of Science in Infection and Immunity … 

  • is capable of acquiring relevant literature, critically analyzing it, and, under supervision, translating it into relevant research questions in the field of Infection and Immunity. 
  • is able, under supervision, to design, prepare, plan, and complete hypothesis-driven experiments within the field of Infection and Immunity with appropriate controls. 
  • can analyze research results adequately, draw critical conclusions, devise further research, place findings in the context of existing scientific literature in the field of infection and immunity, and, if applicable, determine the impact on society. 
  • is able to write a scientific manuscript based on the results of their own research project within the field of Infection and Immunity and is able to incorporate and address feedback appropriately following the format of an international peer-reviewed scientific journal. 
  • can effectively present scientific research in a structured and clear manner, targeting a scientific audience, and can respond appropriately to questions from the audience. 
  • can collaborate effectively and professionally and communicates accurately with their supervisor and other colleagues about the progress, implementation, and results of their own experiments. 

Professional Identity 
The recently graduated Master of Science in Infection and Immunity … 

  • acts in accordance with generally accepted scientific and ethical values, principles, and regulations, and follows institutional rules regarding the quality, integrity, and safety of (bio)medical (laboratory) research. 
  • has a proactive attitude and demonstrates interest, perseverance, and scientific creativity to solve research problems within their own project and that of others. 
  • is able to maintain their expertise in the complex and rapidly evolving research field within the domain of Infection and Immunity. 
  • can reflect on their own actions and test them against the judgment of others. 

Curriculum Overview

Year 1 - 2024-2026
Knowledge and Understanding
Course CodeCourse Name and Assessment EC Points
RMII-100Summer Course I
Exam 92%
Assignments 8%
RMII-101Population Dynamics
Exam 67%
Assignments 33%
RMII-102Biomedical Research Techniques
Attendance 100%
RMII-108Winter Course 1
Exam 90%
Assignments 10%
Research Skills
Course CodeCourse Name and Assessment EC Points
RMII-104Biomedical English writing
Attendance 100%
RMII-105PubMed, Endnote and ‘Drown or not’
Assignments 100%
RMII-107Round table discussion and lab rotation
Assignments 100%
RMII-109First round Journal Clubs
Assignments 100%
PHDCO-013Introduction to Biostatistics
Attendance 100%
PHDCO-014R Course
Attendance 100%
 Lab research project year 1 (25.2 EC total)25,2
RMII-110-1Pre-proposal (0.5 EC) 
RMII-110-2Proposal (1.5 EC) 
RMII-110-3Presentation (1.0 EC)
Midterm review
RMII-110-4Report and research (22.5 EC)
Professional Development and Identity
Course CodeCourse Name and Assessment EC Points
REMA01This Thing Called Science
Attendance 100%
To be determinedProfessional Identity Formation
Attendance 100%
Total EC Year 156.8
Year 2 - 2024-2026
Knowledge and Understanding
Course CodeCourse Name EC Points
RMII-207Summer Course II 
Exam 84%
Assignments 16%
RMII-208Winter Course II (WCII)
Exam 84%
Assignments 16%
RMII-209Second round Journal Clubs
Assignments 100%
Research Skills
Course CodeCourse Name and Assessment EC Points
 Lab research project year two41
RMII-210-1Pre-proposal (0.5 EC) 
RMII-210-2Proposal (1.5 EC)
Midterm review
RMII-210-3Report and research (39 EC)
Electives Year 1 + Year 25.8

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