
551 search results for admission requirements for international students in English in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • Global Health
    Improving population health and health equity in low- and middle-income countries is a shared and international responsibility. Improvements in health in low-…
  • Thesis Master in Health Economics, Policy & Law
    The master in Health Economics, Policy & Law (HEPL) is an international, English-language master programme. It is a multidisciplinary programme in which the…
  • Students seek solutions to real Rotterdam problems
    Public Health students go beyond textbooks and lecture halls. They venture into Rotterdam-Zuid for real experiences and collaboration with residents.
  • FAQ
    I’m an international non-EU/EEA student, residing in the Netherlands with a residence permit. What does this mean for my studies?
  • Study on willingness to pay for an international warning system for infectious diseases pre-Covid-19
  • Internship course in Master Health Care Management
    As future leaders in healthcare, our students must learn to combine their extensive theoretical knowledge with professional behavior and practical skills. This…
  • Students inspired by alumni
    On 18 April the event Beyond Your Degree: Students Meet Alumni took place. The event was designed to offer students inspiration about their options beyond ESHPM
  • EsCHER to be awarding scholarships to non-EEA students
    Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam (EsCHER) will be awarding scholarships for several master’s programmes to support excellent non-EEA students.
  • Appointment for a CV or LinkedIn check
    Would you like feedback on your CV or LinkedIn profile? Make an appointment with one of our careers advisors. The feedback session is just a short consultation.
  • ASK Erasmus
    In the ASK Erasmus online database prospective students and current students can find the answers to most of their questions online.

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