Studying with a Functional Impairment

If you have a functional impairment (chronic or temporary), Erasmus School of Law is happy to provide support in the form of special examination arrangements.
For the duration of your impairment you can make use of the following special examination arrangements:

  • extra time for examinations (30 minutes for each written exam),
  • separate examination area.

In order to use one or more of these arrangements, you are required to:

  1. Contact a study advisor.
  2. After you have met with a study advisor, by submitting a request in Osiris Student you apply for special examination arrangements with the Erasmus School of Law Examination Board.

Please remember that you submit the motivated application in Osiris at least three weeks before the week in which the exam, for which the facilities are requested, will take place. You must enclose a recent medical statement from your doctor or practitioner with your application, which discusses the effects of your disability on your study situation and in which concrete facilities are proposed that could improve your exam results.

There are separate examination areas in the M building.

If you have any questions please contact study advisor Mr H.C. van Meijgaarden (Msc) or one of the other study advisors

Erasmus University Rotterdam also offers support in the form of educational and other provisions during your study.

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