Wednesday 21 Sep 2022, 10:30 - 18:00

Faculty of Law, Malaga, Room 5

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two chairs in front of a wall, the word feminism written on the wall

At a time where environmental concerns are at the forefront of economic, political and social agendas, green criminology has the potential to influence the understanding of and response to various environmental harms and crimes as they relate to humans and non-humans alike. Whereas green criminology has advanced understanding of many aspects of the nature and scale of environmental harm and crime, minimal attention has been devoted to understanding the gender dynamics of these activities. Ecofeminism and feminist methodologies could offer additional insights in the field of green criminology. In addition, less focus has been given to the role of perpetrators and victims of environmental harm and crime of all genders. In helping to shape how the world will address the range of environmental crises, green criminology can contribute to furthering knowledge as to the importance of a gendered lens in crafting solutions. This one-day event explores the varied intersections of environmental crime and gender with the aim of sharing knowledge with the criminological community and inspiring new research and collaborations.

The seminar is planned ahead of the yearly European Society of Criminology conference (in Malaga, Spain) in order for scholars to be able to attend both events without extra travel expenses and carbon footprint. Since 2012, green criminologists from around the world have been organising this (bi)yearly seminar that focuses on different aspects of environmental crime.

This year’s organizers are Lieselot Bisschop (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands), Jenny Maher (University of South Wales, UK), Daan van Uhm (Utrecht University), and Tanya Wyatt (Northumbria University, UK)

We thank the following sponsors, who allowed us to host this seminar on Environmental Crime & Gender as a free event: University of South Wales, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and University of Malaga.

10.30-10.50Refreshments & Registration


Welcome & Introduction

Jenny Maher

Monica Pons Hernandez & Esteban Morelle Hungria (Green Criminology Group, Spanish Society)


Keynote 1:

Gender and Climate Change Migration in Nigeria

Dr. Helen Agu, University of Nigeria, Nigeria


Panel 1 – Wildlife Crime and Gender

Moderator: Jenny Maher

Dr Rita Faria, University of Porto, Portugal [ IUU]

Dr George Iordachescu, University of Sheffield, UK  - [Timber]

Prof. Ragnhild Sollund, University of Oslo, Norway [Wildlife]


Lunch & Ignite videos [Rob White, Delon Omron, Janine Janssen, Anne Linn Jensen]


Panel 2- Academic/Practitioner Conversation on gender-based violence and the environment

Moderator: Lieselot Bisschop

Joni Seager, Bentley University, US [IWT & Fuel extraction]

Laura Sabater Zamora, Gender Programme Officer, IUCN [violence of inequality]


15:25 – 15.35

Comfort break

 Panel 3 - Gendered and Environmental Violence
15:35 - 16:20Moderator: Tanya Wyatt

Steven Burell, Durham University, UK [Climate Crisis]

Marilena Drymioti, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands [Structural gendered violence]





Keynote 2

.Pro-Social Agents for Change or Scapegoat? Leadership and the Role of Women in Corporate Crime

Prof. Sally Simpson, University of Maryland, US



Daan van Uhm

Universidad de Málaga 
Faculty of Law
Blvr. Louis Pasteur, 26
29071 Málaga

Room 5


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