FAME presents a lecture by Dr. Jackie Dugard

Tuesday 29 May 2018, 15:00 - 17:00
Honours Academy Lounge
Erasmus Pavilion
Campus Woudestein
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Jackie Dugard

FAME is proud to present their first event with a lecture from Dr. Jackie Dugard (Witwatersrand University South Africa). On Tuesday 29 May, Dr. Dugard will give a lecture on: ‘The dilemmas and complexities of dealing with Gender-Based Harm on Campus.’

Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg has faced immense challenges of both racialised violence and gender violence. Global developments such as #MeToo and Time’s Up indicate that sexual harassment is high on the agenda. Also in the academic context people unfortunately have to deal with different forms of harassment, academic harassment being the latest trend where more attention is drawn to.

About Jackie Dugard

Dr. Jackie Dugard will discuss all topics related to diversity, such as gender, race and other ongoing discussions. Jackie is an Associate Professor in the School of Law and the founder and first director of the Gender Equity Office (GEO) and is willing to share her experiences with us.

Share your ideas

After the lecture, the audience is welcome to ask questions and share their own opinion and experiences. Let’s come together toward a more inclusive EUR.
We would like to invite you to join us and share your view (including free drinks) on 29 May. During the drinks the FAME board members will present themselves for the first time. You can meet them and talk about your ideas for the network.


You can register for the lecture by submitting the form below.

More information

FAME is a EUR-network, that aims to empower female academics of all ranks in order to meet  EUR’s aspirations for equity. You can contact us at fame@eur.nl

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