How to design an assessment plan and matrix (MicroLab)

Tuesday 5 Feb 2019, 12:00 - 14:00
Education Lab
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As research shows, assessment plays an important role in steering the learning process. There is, however, not one best method of assessment. So, how can you select the right methods of assessments for your course?

Firstly, you can make an assessment plan to help you select the right method. Then, you are able to decide on the weight of each assessment you have chosen for the final result for your course. An assessment plan also helps to ensure that the assessment addresses the intended learning outcomes.

With an assessment matrix, you will ensure that all the selected learning objectives are covered in your assessment. This also helps to guarantee that your assessment will be both valid and reliable.


After following this MicroLab you will be able to:

  • Explain constructive alignment and how this theory relates to your own course.  
  • Evaluate your own learning objectives following the four elements and Bloom’s taxonomy
  • Explain the five factors from the Utility formula and how this relates to the methods of assessment for your course.
  • Explain which learning objectives are covered in the assessments of your own course and you will be able to show this in an assessment plan overview.
  • Categorize assessment questions of your course following Bloom’s taxonomy with the help of an assessment matrix. 

Target group and required prior knowledge

In this MicroLab we will ask you to bring your own assessment plan to the workshop. If this is not possible, please contact us. No specific prior knowledge is required to participate in this MicroLab.  

Please note that the content of this MicroLab is included in the UTQ from June 2018 and forward. Therefore we do not recommended to follow this Microlab if you were a participant in the UTQ from April 2018 and forward. For whom who already completed the UTQ before April 2018, please contact us about the added value of this Microlab.  

Content, form and time investment

In the online environment for this MicroLab, you will learn via online videos about constructive alignment, formulating good learning objectives, selecting assessment methods using the utility formula, and how to create an assessment plan (approximately 3 hours).

During the Lab (2 hours) you will get the opportunity to discuss your assessment methods with your peers and get their valuable feedback. Additionally, you will learn how to create an assessment matrix to ensure both the learning objectives are covered in an assessment and you will formulate questions at the right cognitive level.

Proof of Competence

The Microlab will be completed with a Proof of Competence. You will get a CLI/Risbo certificate, a LinkedIn badge and a HR-registration of completion.

Signing up for this MicroLab

You can register for this MicroLab by contacting Risbo ( For EUR lecturers there will be no costs in participating in this MicroLab.

More information

MicroLabs are developed by research and training institute Risbo and made possible by the Community for Learning & Innovation. Please visit to view the other available MicroLabs. 

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