Lighthouse Career Cafe: How we ended up here? Entering the creative job market from different backgrounds

Students working together at Erasmus University College
Thursday 23 Feb 2023, 17:00 - 19:00
Spoken Language
Bayle Building
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Image of a lighthouse, logo of the Lighthouse Career Events

Lighthouse Career Café teams up with ACE and ESHCC’s Alumni Office during ACE’s Career Week to welcome all students and join the dialogue session to get inspired by the experiences of alumni.   

Who doesn’t want to tap into their own creativity? The event aims to encourage conversations and raise awareness about the practices and challenges of working in the dynamic environment of creative industries.

Our four alumni guests talk openly about their journey on how they transitioned from being an EUR student to finding a job as a creative employer/freelancer or in a creative industry and all the steps they took in between. 

We invite all students to join our conversation on How we ended up here? Entering the creative job market from different backgrounds.

Alumni guests


Numidia Zahid | Secretary of the ACE Career Committee


16:45 - Walk in 
17:00 - Alumni Dialogue
17:45 - Q&A 
18:00 - Closing remarks / Drinks & Networking 

Throughout history lighthouses have been: beacons of civilization, architectural icons, symbols of human presence and safety, and navigational guides. Within our Erasmian community, alumni stand as our lighthouses, serving as navigational guides for the younger generation. Tune in monthly for inspirational talks with our alumni community sharing their journey of discovering their “why”, what motivates them and how they got to where they are today.

More information

This event is open to current students. Questions about this event? Please send an email to alumni@eur.nlSign up for this event via Eventbrite.


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