LinkedIn - advanced

Friends of EUR Connect
Thursday 14 Mar 2019, 13:00 - 14:30
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Did you know that an increasing number of companies first use LinkedIn to recruit new employees, before they actually post their vacancy?

• Do you already have a LinkedIn profile, but want to attract more viewers?
• Do you need some inspiration for a catchy headline and summary on LinkedIn?
• Do you want to use your LinkedIn in an advanced way for networking purposes?

This workshop will give you insights into how to use your LinkedIn profile more professionally!

After the workshop you’ll know:
• The do’s and don’ts of a professional looking LinkedIn profile.
• How to get the most out of the free version of LinkedIn.
• How to post interesting articles to attract more views and comments.
• How to attract the attention of recruiters or HR.
• How to enhance your chances in your job search.

Obviously, there is also time to discuss your own questions and LinkedIn profile.


Note! Make sure to use your right e-mail address (

More information

Location: Woudestein
Number of participants: max. 10.
Trainer: Masuma Shahid, LinkedIn expert and LLM/Law graduate from the EUR  
Free of charge
Workshop is designed for non-Dutch speaking EUR students or graduates (<1yr)

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