Online meet & greet with the Dutch Ambassador

Thursday 8 Apr 2021, 18:00 - 20:00
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NL Alumni in Russia

Gilles Beschoor Plug, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, has recently taken office in Moscow. For decades, he has a worked as an ambassador all over the world. Take this chance to meet him!

Have you always wanted to meet an ambassador, and ask what it’s like to work for the Dutch government in a diverse international environment? Gilles Beschoor Plug is an EUR alumnus (ESL), who, since his graduation in 1987, has worked for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His international career for the Dutch government took him to places all over the world, including the Middle East, North Africa and Serbia. He recently took the Dutch Ambassadors office in Moscow. During this evening, organised by the NL Alumni network in Russia, Mr. Beschoor Plug will share his personal experience of working in Russia. Of course, he will also be keen to meet alumni from Dutch universities living and working in Russia as well.

There will be an opportunity to ask live questions during the evening. However, the NL Alumni network asks you to submit one or two questions ahead of time to collect the most popular ones.

The event takes place on the 8th of April from 19:00 (Moscow time zone, MSK) to 21:00 (Moscow time zone, MSK). Registration for this event is required. Please sign up by April 4 by filling in the registration form via this link.

More information

For more information about the NL Alumni network – Russia:

Should you have any questions, please contact Marina Martynenko:

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