Sustainability in Education Showcase

Campus garden Woudestein in the sun.
Wednesday 10 May 2023, 13:00 - 15:00
Mandeville T3-17
Mandeville Building
Campus Woudestein
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There is a lot of talk about integrating sustainability in the curriculum at EUR. But who is doing the walking? During the Erasmus Sustainability Days, we will showcase best practices from various schools and discuss how we can collaborate to enhance our efforts

Practical information

Wednesday 10 May 2023, 13:00-15:00 CEST

Location: Woudestein campus, Mandeville T3-17 

For whom:

  • teachers who already teach sustainability
  • teachers who want to teach about sustainability
  • students curious about sustainability education at EUR

What you can expect

  1. Opening by the Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform
  2. Showcases of the EUR schools, i.e., Master and Bachelor programs focused on sustainability, new ideas for (cross-school) courses/educational activities (e.g., cross-school bachelor course on sustainability)
  3. Speed-dating, during which audience and presenters will come together in smaller groups and discuss different strategies teaching on sustainability issues.
  4. Closing dialogue reflecting on these questions: What support do teachers at EUR need to (further) develop education on sustainability issues? How can we foster cross-school collaboration to develop this support?





13:00 – 13:15 

Opening Word by Jilde Garst, Myrthe Bark & Ellen van Schoten 

13:15 – 13:50 

Presentation Round 1 

  • Mariecke van de Glas (Interdisciplinary Bachelor Course) 

  • Juliette Mattijsen (Planetary Health; ErasmusMC/ESPHM) 

  • Marit Schouten (Impact Case; ESE) 

  • Margreet Luth-Morgan (Legal Ethics and Contemp. Issues; ESL) 


Connect & Explore Round 1 


Presentation Round 2 

  • Ana Vasques (Minor Sustainability Transitions; EUC) 

  • Pinar Coskun (DIY: Sus. and Equitable Food Strat.; EUC/RSM) 

  • Stef Lemmens (Closed-Loop Supply Chains; RSM) 

  • Corinna Frey-Heger (Organizing for Grand Challenges; RSM)  

  • Robin van den Akker (Societal Transitions; ESPhil) 


Connect & Explore Round 2 


Closing dialogue 

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About the organizer

The Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform creates infrastructures for transformative academic work at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Read more about our work here.

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