Erasmus University Rotterdam engages in dialogues with academics and staff around responsible and trustworthy AI

Opening Erasmus Data Collaboratory
Erasmus Data Collaboratory Hub is open
Arie Kers

On 11 May 2023, rector magnificus Annelien Bredenoord will officially launch the AI@EUR programme at the Ethics & Data Ethics event on our Woudestein campus. The AI@EUR programme brings together all researchers and staff working with artificial intelligence (AI) to create more insight and awareness about all AI-related activities within our university. In addition, the aim of the programme is to encourage a dialogue on ethical and trustworthy AI and to inform all stakeholders involved about legislation on data & AI from, for example, the EU.


The goals of the AI@EUR programme are:

1. To create a connected and well-informed AI community at EUR, facilitated within the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics, and supported by an online dashboard.

2. To develop EUR artificial intelligence guidelines.

3. To offer diverse tools to grow the AI capability at EUR, like: algorithm assessment and auditing tools, an algorithm register etc. 

4. To further develop the necessary AI support processes and governance.

The AI@EUR programme is organised on behalf of the Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam by the Erasmus Centre for data Analytics and supported by the Erasmus initiative AiPact, and researchers from the various faculties of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Ethics & Data Ethics event

Annelien Bredenoord, rector maginificus and professor of Ethics of Technology, will give an opening speech on Ethical AI. The focus of the event will be on the risks and opportunities of recent AI developments for our ethical thinking, considerations and (daily) practice. The three complementary experts: Prof Muel Kaptein (RSM), Joris Krijger (ESPhil and Volksbank) and Prof Hub Zwart (ESPhil) will discuss AI from a human-centred perspective. They address the moral issues raised by AI and give us a glimpse of future developments and the demands that these rapid developments place on individuals, organisations and legislation.

The Ethics & Data Ethics event is the first of a series of deep dive dialogues, inviting faculty, staff and external partners of the EUR to discuss and reflect together on challenges, opportunities and constraints regarding the development and application of algorithms, from the perspective of the Erasmian Values.

What are the choices we make? What is our signature in terms of accountability regarding our work and the way we use algorithms? What is the responsible Erasmusian AI culture? During the various sessions in 2023, we capture lessons learned and insights from avant garde research.

More information
  • Marta Stachowiak-de Wit; Marketing & Communications Lead at Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics, and AI@EUR Strategy and Marketing Lead: 
  • Marlon Domingus; Data Protection Officer at EUR, and AI@EUR Lead Engagement Series:



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