Erasmus University Rotterdam has signed the Rotterdam Climate Agreement, making it a proud new partner of the Sustainable Mobility Climate Alliance (Klimaatalliantie Duurzame Mobiliteit). The partnership was announced on Tuesday 22 November at an information and inspiration meeting in Rotterdam.
Ellen van Schoten, vice-president of the Executive Board: "I am very proud of this great step. Sustainability is a very important issue for EUR and mobility plays a crucial role in it. By establishing this ambition together, we ensure maximum impact in our region.''

Working together to reduce CO2 emissions
The Climate Alliance is a network of Rotterdam businesses, Zuid-Holland Bereikbaar and the Municipality of Rotterdam, aiming to promote sustainable mobility. There are many gains to be made there, as half of CO2 emissions from passenger cars are work-related. In the Climate Agreement, the alliance partners agree to reduce CO2 emissions from their organisations' passenger traffic by at least 50% in 2030 compared to 2016.
Sustainable mobility at EUR
Our university is committed to making its operations more sustainable, and its mobility policy is an important part. At the partnership announcement, Ellen van Schoten shared with the alliance partners what steps EUR has already taken towards more sustainable mobility, such as reducing air travel.
The Climate Alliance helps us take the next steps. For instance, the alliance provides knowledge sessions and tailored expert advice to make mobility more sustainable.
Redesigning Rotterdam
Making mobility more sustainable has another benefit. Major infrastructure renovation projects are planned in the Rotterdam region over the next few years, causing considerable delays on the road. If Erasmus University Rotterdam and other regional employers work together to make alternatives such as cycling and public transport more attractive and spread work traffic more evenly throughout the week, the number of cars on the road will decrease and there will be less congestion.
Moreover, our university gets the chance to be involved at an early stage in construction projects, for example on the best location for new tram stops near the campus. A win-win situation in other words!
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