IWD 2017: EUR women play Seven

Two EUR employees performing in theater play Seven
Two EUR employees performing in theater play Seven
Arie Kers

Wednesday 8 March 2017, on International Women's Day, seven EUR women performed the theater play Seven.

Seven is a fascinating and famous documentary play based on the real stories of seven women's rights activists. Seven prominent women of Erasmus University Rotterdam will perform the internationally acclaimed play 'Seven'. The play will be followed by a short debate with a moderator.

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The EUR firmly supports diversity in its workforce. A diverse workforce will come up with relevant new questions and more innovative approaches with regard to research, and provide an innovative boost to education. Education and research are best pursued by a wide diversity of individual people who can feel at home, develop themselves to their personal best and each bring their own opinions, knowledge and experience to the task. Therefore, the EUR IWD committee wholeheartedly invites you to this event.

More information

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Paviljoen
Doors open at 3.15pm, play starts at 3.30pm sharp  (no admittance once the play has started!)
End 4.30 pm; Drinks afterwards
Language: English
Entrance free, but registration is required
Go to www.eur.nl/IWD

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