News overview

79 results

  • Is free will an illusion?

    Free will is a puzzling phenomenon. We humans are under the impression that we make all our choices ourselves, but there are voices in science that argue that o
  • EUR is our university: we have a responsibility to help it change

    Long-term structural change requires dialogue and a willingness to build things together, argue the organisers of the Round Table event of Dec 15. A guest blog.
    A hall with several rows of seats and a white table in the front. People in the audience watch the conversation happening at the table.
  • DIT stands in solidarity with the evicted students of OccupyEUR

    The Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform condemns the eviction of peacefully protesting students and staff at Erasmus University.
    Students and staff sitting on the floor of Sanders building, listening to one speaker. Banners hang from the wall.
  • Let's Talk About Sex!

    Can research help us in our love and sex life? And what can we do to improve our sex life anyway?
  • “Is the prospect of a ‘good’ fashion industry realistic?”

    Dr. Mariangela Lavanga from Erasmus University gives a keynote about fashion and sustainability at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
    Portrait picture of Mariangela Lavanga
  • War in the Future: The End of Peace?

    War. Many of us thought it was unimaginable in modern Europe. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been a rude awakening. War has become more actual than ever.
  • Who was this Erasmus anyway?

    Why is Erasmus so important to Rotterdam? A crash course by Professor Han van Ruler about his - still - pioneering ideas, his life and work.
  • Can I become rich from shares?

    Savings rates are historically low and housing prices are high. If you want to invest, buying stocks seems to be the best option. Young and old are putting mo..
  • The Need to Succeed

    “Hard Work Pays Off”, “You Snooze, you lose” or “Quitters never win, Winners never Quit”. Nowadays, inspirational quotes like these follow you around wherever..
  • North Korea: A Country Behind Closed Doors

    Nuclear tests and threats, reports of executions and labour campus, and strict rules about what is and is not allowed within its borders. North Korea continue..

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