News overview

55 results

  • In Memoriam Marcel Boom

    It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of our colleague Marcel Boom.
    Foto van Marcel Boom
  • In Memoriam Jan Bunt

    It is with sadness that we share the passing of Professor Emeritus Jan Bunt, the former head of the marketing department at Erasmus School of Economics.
    ESE - Jan Bunt
  • In Memoriam prof.dr. Henk van der Molen

    Emeritus Professor Psychology and former Dean ESSB
  • Looted Art

    Contested heritage and looted art; many museums and countries struggle with it. What some consider a museum masterpiece might for others be an important part of
    Old statue
  • Apocalypsophy, is the end really near?

    The extinction of humanity. The apocalypse is a popular topic in movies and series such as The Last of Us (2023) and Wall-E (2008). Why are we so eager to watch
    Cover of the book Apocalypsofie
  • Understanding Today’s India

    While the Western world is focused on the American presidential elections in November, we are currently at the cusp of a far bigger election going on in the wor
  • Warfare & the AI-revolution

    ‘Smart’ bombs, robots on the battlefield or automatic drone attacks. These are just a few applications of AI within warfare. While the media often focusses on c
    Two toy soldiers in green
  • Attention please! Lecture On How To Stay Focused

    Lecture On How To Stay Focused by prof. dr. Stefan van der Stigchel
  • Totalitarianism, Freedom, Evil: Introduction to Hannah Arendt

    War, oppression and unrest. In an age characterized by complex social issues, political turbulence and technological progress, Hannah Arendt's ideas seem more r
  • Uncovering War Crimes

    The War in Ukraine, QAnon, the downing of flight MH-17, or the Syrian Civil War. It seems like there is not much one can do about these topics as an ordinary ci

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