Stop Sexual Street Harassment

Male student puts his arm around a female student; she doesn't like it
Male student puts his arm around a female student; she doesn't like it
Richard Rood

Hissing, wolf-whistling, catcalling, making inappropriate remarks; sexual street harassment happens to too many people all too often. Next week is Rotterdam Week Against Sexual Street Harassment. On Tuesday, May 14, IDEA Center - Erasmus University Rotterdam is organising an event against sexual street harassment on campus Woudestein, in cooperation with Gemeente Rotterdam, Wmo radar, and Stichting Stop Straatintimidatie.

We want to raise awareness around the issue and we want to connect our community with organisations offering support. You are invited and encouraged to speak with involved parties like Gemeente Rotterdam, Wmo radar, Stichting Stop Straatintimidatie, Safe@EUR, Voices of All Women, and IDEA Center - Erasmus University Rotterdam. So, drop by on Tuesday May 14, at Erasmus Plaza between 14:00 and 16:00 for a chat, free stroopwafels, and goodie bags.

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