Waiting for war sparks vigour in Poland

Dr. Iwona Gusc interviewed for NOS Met Het Oog Op Morgen
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How are neighbouring countries dealing with the war in Ukraine? That was the topic of the Dutch radio broadcast Met Het Oog Op Morgen. Dr. Iwona Gusc was interviewed and she explained the Polish reaction to the war in Ukraine. Iwona is a historian at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC).

Russian militarism has made Poland shiver for a while now, and the country is now investing a lot in defence. The plans to reform the army "were actually already on the table in October," she says, "so it is not like they are now being discussed in parliament because of the conflict in Ukraine. Although this conflict has increased the tempo". 

Because of the war in Ukraine, Poland's internal conflicts appear to have moved to the background, Iwona explains. "Polarisation is there, but the solidarity to help refugees is enormous. Waiting until the war will rage through Poland – that is the prevailing sentiment – makes that, instead of doing nothing, people want to spend their time helping others.

Listen to the broadcast of NOS Met Het Oog Op Morgen.

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