(Alemayehu Begna) AB Hordofa, LL.M


Alemayehu B. Hordofa is a Ph.D. researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS-Erasmus University Rotterdam) working on humanitarian governance in Ethiopia focusing on the use of human rights-based approach to address internal displacement challenges in Ethiopia. Based on qualitative interactive approach, his Ph.D. examines the humanitarian and societal actors’ role to shape humanitarian response to internal displacement using (creating) spaces for advocacy and accountability.  His research interest and focus are on transitional justice, the study of how humanitarian actors engage human rights issues, and the broader human rights-humanitarian-peacebuilding linkages. Alemayehu’s background is in international human rights law with a specific research focus on forced displacement, and the use of legal rules and procedures to address underlying social problems. Before joining Erasmus University, Alemayehu served his home country, Ethiopia, in the FDRE Ministry of Justice’s National Human Rights Action Plan Office supporting the national implementation of international human rights treaties ratified by Ethiopia and monitoring the implementation of various outputs of the UN treaty bodies and special procedure. He received the prestigious Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders in 2018, and the Open Society Foundation’s Civil Society Leadership Award in 2019. In addition to his professional service within the public sector, Alemayehu worked with private sectors in various research positions including GLAN (Global Legal Action Network), GI-ESCR (Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), and as the National Consultant for the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights Regional Office for East Africa.

International Institute of Social Studies

PhD candidate | Academic staff unit
Kortenaerkade 12, 's - Gravenhage

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