Caroline Witte is an assistant professor at the department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. Her research interest cover international business, strategy and development economics. She is particularly interested in how firms manage their business in in fragile economies. In her research, she asks: ‘How can firms in fragile economies take advantage of a volatile institutional context?’ And more generally: ‘How can firms exploit the opportunities created by risk, uncertainty and discontinuous shocks?’.
Before joining RSM, Caroline was assistant professor of strategy and international management at the Department of Strategy and Innovation of the Copenhagen Business School. She has a PhD from the Erasmus School of Economics. Her PhD disseration was awarded the prestigious Dissertation Award of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management.
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
- Room
- T07-52
- Location
- Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam
More information
- Marcus M. Larsen & Caroline Witte (2022) - Informal Legacy and Exporting Among Sub-Saharan African Firms - Organization Science, 34 (3), 987-1003 - doi: 10.1287/orsc.2022.1623 - [link]
- Caroline Witte (2022) - Why and How Might the Modern MNE Respond Strategically to Violent Conflict: A Commentary - [link]
- Caroline Witte, Martijn Burger & E Ianchovichina (2020) - Subjective well-being and peaceful uprisings - Kyklos, 73 (1), 120-158 - doi: 10.1111/kykl.12219 - [link]
- Caroline Witte, Martijn Burger & Enrico Pennings (2020) - When political instability devaluates home-host ties - Journal of World Business, 55 (4) - doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2020.101077 - [link]
- Caroline Witte & John Dilyard (2017) - Guest editors' introduction to the special issue: The contribution of multinational enterprises to the Sustainable Development Goals - Transnational Corporations, 24 (3), 1-8 - [link]
- Caroline Witte, Martijn Burger, E Ianchovichina & Enrico Pennings (2017) - Dodging bullets: the heterogeneous effect of political violence on greenfield FDI - Journal of International Business Studies, 48 (7), 862-892 - doi: 10.1057/s41267-017-0079-7 - [link]
- Caroline Witte (2015) - Bloody Business: Multinational investment in an increasingly conflict-afflicted world - [link]