prof.dr. FJ (Fabian) Sting


Prof. dr. Fabian Sting is chaired professor of Digital Supply Chain Innovation at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (part-time). As the main affiliation, he holds the chair of Supply Chain Management – Strategy and Innovation at the University of Cologne, Germany (see here). He explores how organizations implement, reinforce, and shape their strategy by innovating their operations and processes. Specific research and teaching topics include:

  • Implementing digital innovation and Industry 4.0
  • Leading change initiatives and collaborative projects
  • Managing employee behavior in agile operations and projects
  • Sparking and integrating front-line employee ideas and innovation.

This research has been published or is forthcoming in leading academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management as well as in premier practitioner journals such as Harvard Business Review, and MIT Sloan Management Review. For his scholarship, he received prestigious awards, including the Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize by the MIT Sloan Management Review, the Jürgen Hausschildt Award for Innovation Management by the German Association of Business Research (VHB), and the Top Academic Article Award by the Erasmus Institute of Management (ERIM). Fabian Sting serves as Associate Editor for Management Science and as Senior Editor for Production and Operations Management. He teaches courses on undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels. For his courses "Operations Management" and "Primaire Processen" Fabian Sting earned multiple teaching awards. Collaborating with the business schools IESE (Spain), INSEAD (France), and WHU (Germany), he serves as Academic Director of the Industrial Excellence Award in Europe (see here). He was a visiting professor at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business at the Singapore Management University and at IESE Business School of the University of Navarra. Before joining RSM Fabian Sting was Postdoctoral Research Fellow at INSEAD's Technology and Operations Management Department and visiting scholar at Northwestern University (USA). He holds a Doctorate from WHU and graduate degrees in Management Science (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) and Applied Mathematics (FU Hagen).

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Technology and Operations Management

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Start date approval
November 2022
End date approval
November 2025
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Global Operations Management

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  • Xishu Li

    Dynamic Decision Making under Supply Chain Competition
  • Timo van Balen

    : Challenges of Early Stage Entrepreneurs: The Roles of Vision Communication and Team Membership Change

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