dr. (Frank) FCP van der Horst


Frank van der Horst earned his Ph.D. at Leiden University in 2009 and has published widely on (the history of) attachment theory. His current research at Erasmus University Rotterdam aims at describing the history of ideas in the behavioural sciences, such as the ideas and work of John Bowlby, René Spitz, William Goldfarb, and Harry Harlow. His aim is also to further unravel the roots of attachment theory in, for example, the work of James Robertson and that of developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth. These studies are necessary to complete our picture of the historical embeddedness of theoretical innovations in (developmental) psychology. Van der Horst is the author of John Bowlby – From Psychoanalysis to Ethology. Unraveling the Roots of Attachment Theory (2011), John Bowlby. Dalla psicoanalisi all'etologia (2012), Opgroeien in het hedendaagse gezin (2016/2020, with others), Hechten. Menselijke emoties, relaties en ontwikkeling (2024, editor, with others), Opgroeien en opvoeden. Handboek Pedagogiek (expected 2025, editor, with others), and John Bowlby - A Contemporary Introduction (expected 2025).

Van der Horst also obtained a Psy.D. while working in forensic psychiatry and holds Dutch clinical registrations as Psychotherapist (99916765216), GZ-psychologist (79916765225), Orthopedagoog-Generalist (09916765231) and supervisor NVO (9819) and NIP (242965). Currently, he is involved in clinical supervision of graduates and postgraduates and clinical assessment and treatment in forensic psychiatry.

- Clinical applications of attachment theory
- History of ideas in psychology and education
- Forensic psychiatry
- Personality disorders
- Domestic violence & child abuse
- Psychotherapy

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Associate professor | Youth and Family
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (30 January 2020) - ‘Het ideale gezin is levensgevaarlijk’
  • PCM (Maartje) Luijk & FCP (Frank) van der Horst (5 February 2019) - Hoe ver willen we gaan met robotisering babyzorg?
  • Frank Horst (17 February 2009) - Goede moeder, slechte moeder?

  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2021) - Workshop hechting
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2021) - Quién fue John Bowlby? In search of the roots of attachment theory
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2021) - Diagnostiek en behandeling van hechting bij adolescenten
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst & Horst van Renesse (2021) - Psychotherapie: wat is het en (hoe) werkt het?
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2021) - Hechtingstijlen en hun gevolgen voor de therapeutische relatie
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2021) - Hechting in psychotherapie: wat is het en wat moet je er mee?
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2020) - ¿Quién fue John Bowlby? In search of the roots of attachment theory
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2020) - History of Psychology (Journal)
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2020) - Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (Journal)
  • Frank Horst (2020) - Pedagogiek (Journal)
  • FCP (Frank) van der Horst (2019) - Gehechtheid in de forensische psychiatrie
  • Frank Horst (2019) - The nurture side of psychopathy
  • Frank Horst & K Zetterqvist Nelson (2018) - Following in Bowlby’s footsteps: transnational processes and the travelling of child psychiatric knowledge in post-war Europe
  • L van Rosmalen, Frank Horst & R (Rene) van der Veer (2017) - From Secure Dependency to Attachment: Mary Ainsworth’s integration of Blatz’s Security Theory into Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
  • Frank Horst, K Zetterqvist Nelson, L van Rosmalen & R (Rene) van der Veer (2017) - The relevance of John Bowlby’s 1950 WHO study for the development of attachment theory
  • Frank Horst (2017) - John Bowlby’s WHO report in context
  • Frank Horst (2016) - Opgroeien in het hedendaagse gezin: enkele trends en ontwikkelingen
  • Frank Horst (2016) - John Bowlby meets the world: report of his travels for the WHO in 1950
  • M Suiker & Frank Horst (2015) - Een andere kijk op huiselijk geweld

  • Frank van der Horst (2017) - John Bowlby’s travels for the WHO in 1950 and the reception of attachment theory in Sweden and the Netherlands: a comparative study (EUR 8.000). Grant from the Support Programme National and International Projects
  • Frank van der Horst & L. van Rosmalen (2016) - Bowlby, Ainsworth, and Blatz: how a combination of different psychoanalytic views shaped attachment theory (EUR 5.000). Grant from the Köhler-Stiftung
  • Frank van der Horst & L. van Rosmalen (2015) - Een ‘Vreemde Situatie’ voor mens en dier: de bijdragen van dierpsycholoog Harry Harlow en ontwikkelingspsycholoog Mary Ainsworth aan de gehechtheidstheorie (EUR 2.200). Grant from the Dr. J.L. Dobberke Stichting voor Vergelijkende Psychologie (KNAW)
  • Frank van der Horst (2012) - Dissertation award for best PhD dissertation written between 2009-2011 at the Department of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University
  • Frank van der Horst (2010) - Speuren in de archieven van dierpsycholoog Harry Harlow (EUR 4.500). Grant from the Dr. J.L. Dobberke Stichting voor Vergelijkende Psychologie (KNAW)
  • Frank van der Horst (2009) - Disclosing Harry Harlow’s archives (EUR 10.000). Grant from the Köhler-Stiftung

College van Toezicht NVO

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Stichting BoPP West

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de Waag Rijnmond

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End date approval
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4.5 Thesis Pedagogical Sciences

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4.3P Methods of Forensic Handling

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2.4C History of Upbringing and Education

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