prof.dr. (Han) JTJ Smit


Han Smit is a corporate professor of Finance at the Department of Business Economics, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). His research in the areas of private equity, real options valuation, competition and strategy has been widely published in leading academic and practitioner journals. He is co-author of a book Strategic Investment: Real Options and Games published by Princeton University Press. Professor Smit has been a visiting fellow at Harvard University, Columbia University, UC at Berkeley, Boston University, and fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Arts and Sciences (NIAS).

Erasmus School of Economics

Full professor | Business Economics
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Han Smit (2007) - Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal (External organisation)
  • Han Smit (2004) - Acquisitions as a Real Options Bidding Game
  • Han Smit (2004) - Infrastructure Investment as a Real Options Game: the Case of European Airport Expansion
  • Han Smit (2003) - "Infrastructure Investment as a Real Options Game: the Case of European Airport Expansion"
  • Han Smit (2003) - Infrastructure Investment as a Real Options Game: the Case of European Airport Expansion
  • Han Smit (2001) - R&D Options
  • Han Smit (2000) - Empirical Characteristics of Growth Options
  • Han Smit (2000) - "Valuation of Growth Opportunities"

  • Han Smit (2004) - 2004 award for best professional/scholarly book in business, management, and accounting by the Association of American Publishers. Strategic Investment


Start date approval
September 2023
End date approval
September 2026
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Advanced Corporate Finance and Strategy

Course Code

  • Wouter de Maeseneire

    Essays on Firm Valuation and Value Appropriation
  • Pim van Vliet

    Downside Risk And Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Marc Schauten

    Valuation, Capital Structure Decisions and the Cost of Capital
  • Dimitri van Schaik

    M&A in Japan: An Analysis of Merger Waves and Hostile Takeovers
  • Joris Kil

    Acquisitions Through a Behavioural and Real Options Lens
  • Justinas Brazys

    Aggregated macroeconomic news and price discovery
  • Mariska Douwens-Zonneveld

    Animal Spirits and Extreme Confidence: No Guts, No Glory?
  • Ghulame Rubbaniy

    Investment Behavior of Institutional Investors
  • Dyaran Bansraj

    The Principles of Private Equity: Ownership and Acquisitions
  • Nishad Matawlie

    Through Mind and Behaviour to Financial Decisions
  • Cristian Stet

    (In)flexibility in Power Markets with Supply from Variable Renewable Sources
  • Renee Spigt

    Corporate Acquisition Behaviour

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