dr. (Jochem) JJ Kroezen


Jochem’s main research focuses on processes of institutional change, revival and persistence. Current projects examine the revival and persistence of craft in organisational society, dynamics of business collective action, and mechanisms underlying socio-economic inequality. In his research, Jochem uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including meta-analysis and fsQCA. 

His work on the revival of craft in the Dutch beer brewing industry has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly while related articles have appeared in Academy of Management Annals, Business History, in the Economics of the Craft Beer Revolution (Palgrave Macmillan) and in Constructing Identity in and around Organizations (Oxford University Press). He has also published on social venture legitimation in Academy of Management Journal.

Part of his ongoing work on business collective action in the alcohol industry around the issue of harmful alcohol use has been published in How Institutions Matter! (RSO, Emerald Insight).

Other ongoing projects that he is involved in include the use of history and collective memory in craft-based field transformation and symbolic communication, a meta-analysis of gender differences in academic research performance and the development of sustainable livelihoods in rural Indonesia.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Associate professor | Department of Organisation and Personnel Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • JJ Kroezen (7 December 2023) - Thinking differently about HR in new three-day Executive Education programme
  • JJ Kroezen (1 December 2023) - ECWO conference: speaking the right language for inclusive organisations
  • JJ Kroezen (10 May 2023) - IamExpat Webinar: Navigating Career and Craftsmanship in a Digital World 30 May 2023 Other

Atletiek Abcoude

Start date approval
October 2022
End date approval
October 2025
Penningmeester sportvereniging

Energieke Rondeveners

Start date approval
October 2022
End date approval
October 2025
Vrijwilliger / initiatiefnemer verduurzaming

Kroezen Executive Education

Start date approval
February 2024
End date approval
February 2027
ad-hoc onderwijs en licenties

University of Cambridge Judge Business School

Start date approval
February 2024
End date approval
February 2027
ad-hoc onderwijs

  • Chuqiao Zhou

    Exploring the role of context and interpretative dynamics in large-scale cross-cultural collaborations
  • Sarah Dodson

    Exogenous Shock in a Vulnerable SME Environment
  • Shreya Paudel

    Institutions for collective action: link between size, heterogeneity, resilience
  • Ejian Zhou

    PhD in Management: Organization and Management Theory

Associate Professor in International Business

Start date approval
January 2022

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