dr. (Linda) LP Dekker


Dr. Linda Dekker is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

In 2019 she successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Tackling Teenage: Psychosexual functioning in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)" at the Erasmus MC - Sophia Children's Hospital. 

Dr. Dekker's current research focuses on two main themes, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sexuality. Particularly, she is interested in sexuality in potentially vulnerable populations or potentially vulnerable situations, as well as supporting and optimizing support where possible, particularly vulnerable populations.

She is the founder of the Rotterdam Autism Consortium (R.A.C.), a collaboration between the EUR and clinical partners in the region of Rotterdam. In 2021, dr. Dekker together with the R.A.C. acquired a grant from ZonMw to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on families with children with ASD.

Dr. Dekker is also a founding member of the Erasmus Love Lab. This is an interdisciplinary research team with backgrounds in Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Children's and Youth Psychology, and Sociology. Here, sensitive topics relating to intimate relationships, love, and sexuality in various research groups are studied.

Her current teaching responsibilities focus on coordinating a practical on "Sexuality & Relationship therapy" (MSc) and co-coordinating the course "Eating, Sex, and other needs" (BA3), next to supervising clinical and research internships. In addition, she provides guest lectures and supervises Honours students and Advanced Research Program students.

Clinical specialties: Diagnostics (specifically ADI-R & ADOS - research reliability achieved); Tackling Teenage training program (certificate), sexuality and relationships.

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder; sexuality; psychosexual functioning; adolescents; adolescence; developmental psychology.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Clinical Psychology
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Linda Dekker, Femke Truijens, Susan van Rijen & Ruth Van der Hallen (25 August 2022) - Impact van COVID-19 op gezinnen met kinderen met ASS: De impact op ouders & blik op de toekomst. [Webinar]
  • LP (Linda) Dekker, FL (Femke) Truijens, L.W.E. (Linde) Hooijman & RER (Ruth) Van der Hallen (10 December 2021) - The impact of COVID-19 on families with children with ASD – Implications for (mental) health care and educational professionals. (WEBINAR)
  • Linda Dekker & Ruth Van der Hallen (24 September 2021) - Voorlopige bevindingen – zorg en informatiebehoeften van gezinnen met kinderen met ASS. Science Hotel – Nacht van de onderzoeker.

  • Linda Dekker (2022) - Tufts University
  • Linda Dekker, K (Kirsten) Visser & Jeroen Dewinter (2022) - Love on the Spectrum - a live interactive discussion night
  • Linda Dekker, Linde Hooijman, Ruth Van der Hallen, Anneke Louwerse, K (Kirsten) Visser, Dennis Bastiaansen, L ten Hoopen, Pieter de Nijs, Gwen Dieleman, WA (Wietske) Ester, Susan van Rijen & Femke Truijens (2022) - Care and informational needs of parents of children with ASD during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • D (Daphne) van de Bongardt, R (Rianne) Kok, M (Michelle) Achterberg, SI (Sari) Hogye, FM (Frank) Weerman, J (Joran) Jongerling, MC (Miranda) Lutz & LP (Linda) Dekker (2021) - Annual Peer Relations Onderzoekers (PRO) conference
  • Ruth Van der Hallen, Linde Hooijman, Anneke Louwerse, K (Kirsten) Visser, Dennis Bastiaansen, L ten Hoopen, Pieter de Nijs, Gwen Dieleman, WA (Wietske) Ester, Susan van Rijen, Femke Truijens & Linda Dekker (2020) - The impact of COVID-19 on children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and their families

  • Linda Dekker (2022) - KNAW Ter Meulen grant - 25.000 euros
  • Linda Dekker, Ruth Van der Hallen, Susan van Rijen & Femke Truijens (2021) - Closing webinar on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families with children with autism spectrum disorder
  • LP (Linda) Dekker, RER (Ruth) Van der Hallen, EHM (Susan) van Rijen, FL (Femke) Truijens, K (Kirsten) Visser, S.C. (Anneke) Louwerse & D Bastiaansen (2020) - ZonMW – COVID-19 second wave focus area 2 – Bottom up

4.3P Couples therapy and sexuality

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News regarding dr. (Linda) LP Dekker

Research into the impact of COVID-19 on children and adolescents with autism receives subsidy by ZonMw

Research on the impact of COVID-19 on children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families has received funding from the COVID-19…

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