prof.dr. (Mary) MA Pieterse - Bloem


The integration of financial markets and optimal portfolio allocations and diversification strategies remain subjects of intense interest in international finance. Yet, fixed income markets have taken a backseat compared to equity markets in the field. This is largely undeserved; given the size and prominence of these markets and the asset allocation share fixed income assets hold in the portfolios of investors, particularly with institutional investors. Given that the recent financial crisis originated in a subpart of fixed income markets (subprime and mortgage bonds), and has via the balance sheets of financial institutions rolled into a sovereign bond crisis, the urgency for more research on the financial integration and institutional investor behavior in fixed income markets is greater than ever.
The research subjects of international financial integration and portfolio diversification are strongly interrelated. Integrated financial markets are a prerequisite for diversified international investment portfolios. In turn, the extent in which portfolios are diversified is indicative for the degree of financial integration that has been achieved. The desire to increase financial benefits from more optimal portfolio allocations is often a leading force in the further breakdown of any remaining barriers between national financial markets. In this sense there is an ongoing dynamic interaction between financial integration and international diversification. New techniques have in the past decade been developed in the dual study of international financial integration and the benefits of international portfolio diversification. Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) is at the forefront of applying these new techniques to fixed income markets in an econometric-empirical research setting. The novelty in this research is that new and promising techniques in the field are adapted and applied to fixed income markets.

Erasmus School of Economics

Endowed professor | Business Economics
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

Erasmus School of Economics

Associate professor | Business Economics
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Mary Pieterse - Bloem (1 December 2023) - Investigators from Erasmus University Target Investment (Eurozone Government Bond Spreads: a Tale of Different Ecb Policy Regimes)
  • Mary Pieterse - Bloem (19 July 2023) - New Financial Management Study Results from Erasmus School of Economics Described (Dynamic Connectedness Between Credit and Liquidity Risks In Euro Area Sovereign Debt Markets)
  • Mary Pieterse - Bloem (23 August 2022) - Investing in government bonds has long been unattractive. Will that change now?
  • Mary Pieterse - Bloem (21 December 2021) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : How the outflow of investing means is caused by European bureaucracy
  • Mary Pieterse - Bloem (21 December 2021) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : More than a quarter of young adults invest in cryptocurrency: worrying or not?
  • Mary Pieterse - Bloem (7 December 2021) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : Who is going to finance new housing?
  • Fabian Amtenbrink, Martin de Jong, Suzan Stoter & Mary Pieterse - Bloem (9 November 2021) - Can the law be the key to greening the economy?
  • Mary Pieterse - Bloem (3 June 2020) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam: The pandemic increases the attractiveness of ESG-investments
  • Anne Gielen & Mary Pieterse - Bloem (25 April 2020) - News Our scientists share their knowledge about the coronacrisis and its consequences


Start date approval
November 2022
End date approval
June 2025
Directeur BeleggingsCompetence

Fixed Income Securities&Portfolio Manage

Course Code

  • Zhaowen Qian

    Time-Varying Integration and Portfolio Choices in the European Capital Markets
  • Cristian Stet

    (In)flexibility in Power Markets with Supply from Variable Renewable Sources
  • Antti Yang

    Corporate Bond Markets: Investor Preferences and Intermediary Frictions

Chief Investment Officer

Start date approval
June 2021

News regarding prof.dr. (Mary) MA Pieterse - Bloem

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