dr. (Meir) M Shemla


Dr. Meir Shemla is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and the Academic Director of the MBA programme at Rotterdam School of Management. He received his PhD in Work & Organizational Psychology in 2011.

His work focuses on the impact of team composition on team performance, and he has particular interest in how diversity in teams can be leveraged to increase innovation and performance. In his work he also explores the (unintended) consequences of diversity policies on organizational performance and talent acquisition.  Other research topics he is exploring include the role of followers in successful leadership and the effect of emotions in teams.His work appeard in outlets such as Academy of Management Annals, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Human Relations.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Visiting fellow | Department of Organisation and Personnel Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Meir Shemla (22 October 2020) - IamExpat Webinar: How to lead diverse teams effectively
  • Steffen Giessner & Meir Shemla (22 May 2020) - Mental Health Awareness Week: How to combat the loneliness during lockdown
  • Steffen Giessner & Meir Shemla (12 May 2020) - Preventing Loneliness
  • Steffen Giessner & Meir Shemla (12 May 2020) - How to combat the loneliness caused by the COVID-19 crisis

  • Meir Shemla (2019) - Group and Organization Management (Journal)

POC Master Thesis

Year Level
Course Code

  • Ho Wa (Hodar) Lam

    Lonely-ship: The Emergence and Experience of Leader Loneliness
  • Rowan Moelijker

    PhD in Organizational Behaviour/Human Resource Management
  • Marten Bernstad

    Leadership Pipeline as a theory and method for achieving positive leadership behaviours and influencing important outcome variables in the public sector, focusing Swedish municipalities, regions and government agencies

News regarding dr. (Meir) M Shemla

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