prof.dr. (Ting) T Li


Ting Li is the Professor of Digital Business at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. She is the founding member and the Academic Director of Digital Business Practice of the Erasmus Centre for Data Science and Business Analytics. Ting Li is an expert in Digital Strategy, Ecommerce, Social Media Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Business Analytics, Online Advertising, and Pricing and Revenue Management. She has been a Visiting Professor at the Wharton School of Business, Temple University, Arizona State University, City University of Hong Kong, and Tsinghua University. In 2017, she was named by Poets & Quants as one of the Top 40 Professors Under 40 Worldwide.

Ting Li's research interest focuses on the understanding of the strategic use of information and its economic impacts on consumer behavior and firm strategy. Theoretically, she proposes new theoretical perspectives to understand why and how firms develop digital capabilities to improve their business capability, and how new information (technologies) impact consumer behavior and decision making. Methodologically, she applies inter-disciplinary approaches combining large-scale randomized field experiments, lab experiment, survey, eye-tracking, agent-based simulation, and machine learning techniques such as text mining and sentiment analysis to investigate the impact of IT on individuals, organizations, markets, and networks. Her work has been published in leading scientific journals, including Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Technology, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and many others. Her research has been recognized with best paper awards and nominations (European Research Paper of the Year 2015), and best dissertation awards (Prof. Aart Bosman Dissertation Award, Accenture-PIM Marketing Science Dissertation Award). Her interdisciplinary research has been sponsored by multiple grants from the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO) and multinational companies.

Ting Li develops close collaborations with industry partners. Her academic work introduces methods, models, and principles to guide organizations to manage informational challenges, build capabilities and compete in digital environments. She has consulted and worked in various capacities with Shell, Coolblue, Wehkamp, VIVAT, HelloPrint, KPMG, PwC, Accenture, Tweakers, Shop2Market, Dutch Railways, RET, amongst others. Ting’s teaching expertise is in the areas of digital strategy, digital transformation, digital commerce, social and mobile analytics, and social networks. She teaches in various RSM Bachelor, Master, and MBA/EMBA degree programs and is active in executive education programs. Prior to joining academic, Ting worked for General Electric and IBM in the area of e-business in supply chains, web services, and grid computing. She obtained her Ph.D. in Management Science at the Erasmus University and MSc in Computational Science at the University of Amsterdam. Her faculty page can be found at: Follow her on Twitter at @tinglinl.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Technology and Operations Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Ting Li (30 November 2023) - Saving money is more important than the environment when it comes to solar panel sales
  • Ting Li (29 November 2023) - Saving money is more important than the environment when it comes to solar panel sales
  • Ting Li (8 February 2022) - How Much People Are Willing to Pay for Dating App

  • Ting Li (2012) - MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems (Journal)
  • Ting Li (2010) - Information Systems Research (Journal)
  • Ting Li (2008) - Journal of Management Information Systems (Journal)

Information Systems Research (NLIS)

Year Level
Course Code

Information Strategy

Year Level
master, IM/CEMS, Exchange, ERIM
Course Code

  • Thomas Frick

    The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms
  • Francesco Balocco

    Asymmetric Information in Programmatic Advertising. Three studies on adverse selection, mechanism choices, and fee structures
  • Zherui Yang

    Customer-Oriented Multichannel Management during Digital Transformation: Evidence in Insurance Industry
  • Project Jonathan McCottry
  • Atabak Mehrdar

    Doctoral Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Agapi-Thaleia Fytraki

    Behavioral Effects in Consumer Evaluations of Recommendation Systems
  • Agnieszka Kloc

    Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Charles Wan

    Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Atabak Mehrdar

    Doctoral Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Tamara Thuis

    Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Zeynep Aydin

    Mobile Consumers and Applications: Essays on Mobile Marketing
  • Huong May Truong

    The Effect of Posted Prices on Sequential Auctions in B2B Multi-channel Markets
  • Clarisse Lucienne Sophie Dupont

    Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Ainara Novales

    Thriving with Digitized Products: How firms leverage their generative capacity via experimentation, learning, and collaboration
  • Linda Punt

    Ph.D. Research in Energy Transition
  • Ioannis-Filippos Kanellopoulos

    Navigating Digital Platform Challenges: Three Studies on Blockchain-based Platform Competition, Platform Subsidies for Non-Fungible Token Creation, and Ghosting in the Dating Market
  • Silviu Horia Tierean

    Mind the Gap: The role of psychic distance and supplier’s reputation in international buyer-supplier relationships
  • Magnus van Haaren

    Emerging Technologies in Organizations: A Review and Empirical Investigation
  • Wei Wang

    Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Joshua Paundra

    The Search for Alternatives to Private Vehicles
  • Tristan Hahn

    Parttime PhD programme
  • Alexandros-Myron Pasparakis

    Leader-Follower Relationships in Technologically Advanced Operations
  • Curtis Meloy Goldsby

    Demystifying Digital Governance: Exploring the Mechanisms and Structures of Blockchains for Organizations
  • Xinmiao Lan

    Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems
  • Maedeh Norouzi

    Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems

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