prof.dr. YM (Yvonne) van Everdingen


Yvonne van Everdingen is Professor of Marketing and Innovation at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Professor Van Everdingen is member of the EUR Diversity Advisory Board at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and she is also member of the Special Interest Group Virtual Reality (SIG VR) at the Erasmus Behavioral Lab. Further, over the past decades she has developed a strong link with marketing practitioner organizations in The Netherlands, i.e., the NIMA and the MOA. Currently, she is chair of the jury for the yearly *MOAward Insights Scientist of the Year* as well as the organizer and chair of the yearly *MOA Symposium Topic of the Year*. Her research interests include the international adoption and diffusion of new products, the use of new technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, for the development and marketing of new products, and the marketing of refurbished products. Her research has been published in the field’s leading scientific journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Marketing Letters, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Economic Psychology.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Marketing Management

More information


  • Yvonne van Everdingen, Dirk Schoenmaker & Mathijs van Dijk (12 July 2023) - RSM projects receive conditional €multi-million grants from Dutch Nationaal Groeifonds
  • Yvonne van Everdingen (16 October 2019) - Formula1: Competing in the F1 with a high R&D budget is the most powerful strategy

  • Yvonne Everdingen (2017) - Organization Science (Journal) (Editor)
    Activity: Editorial work Academic
  • Yvonne Everdingen (2008) - International Journal of Technology Management (Journal) (Editor)
    Activity: Editorial work Academic
  • LPO Kloosterman, J Bunt, F van Eenennaam & Yvonne Everdingen (2004) - Unknown event (Participant)
    Activity: Attending an event Professional
  • Yvonne Everdingen (1998) - International Journal of Research in Marketing (Journal) (Editor)
    Activity: Editorial work Academic
  • AThH Pruyn & Yvonne Everdingen (1997) - De consument en de Euro: Over vertrouwen, wantrouwen en het belang van een euro-referentiekader (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic

  • Matthias Wieser, Marta Andreatta, Ruth Van der Hallen, Yvonne van Everdingen, Janna Papma, Anita Jamshidnejad, Bart De Schutter, Rafael Bidarra & Michael Weinmann (2021) - The use of state-of-the-art VR technologies for diagnosis and treatment of socio-affective cognition deficits in mental disorders – From bench to bedside
  • Dennis Fok, Stefan Stremersch & Yvonne van Everdingen (2010) - ERIM Top Article Award

IM Research clinic

Year Level
Course Code

Current Topics in Marketing Research A

Year Level
Course Code

Creating Ideas for Business

Year Level
Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
Course Code

Marketing of New Products

Year Level
master, master, master, master
Course Code

  • Baris Depecik

    Revitalizing Brand and Brand Portfolios: Essays on Brand and Brand Portfolio Management Strategies
  • Elio Keko

    Essays on Innovation Generation in Incumbent Firms
  • Marina Lenkovskaya

    Doctoral Research in Marketing (Marketing Science, Consumer Behaviour or Consumer Neuroscience
  • Ting-Yi Lin

    Doctoral Research in Marketing (Marketing Science, Consumer Behaviour or Consumer Neuroscience
  • Danial Hayati

    Doctoral Research in Marketing (Marketing Science, Consumer Behaviour, or Consumer Neuroscience)
  • Julia Marie Esters

    PhD in Marketing - specialized in Machine Learning and Quantitative Methods

News regarding prof.dr. YM (Yvonne) van Everdingen

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