The Rector will authorise the printing of the PhD thesis once all the requirements have been satisfied and the Beadle has approved the title page. (Download the title page template, including the university’s logo below.)
Whether or not to have the thesis printed is up to the PhD candidate, but at the very least, an electronic copy of the thesis must be submitted for inclusion in the university library.
How to submit an electronic copy of the thesis for inclusion in the university library
If any articles are under embargo at the time of submission, an additional version of the thesis must be uploaden in Hora Finita (tab Library) from which said articles have been removed.
The title of the thesis and the PhD student’s name must be stated clearly and uniformly, this has to be uploaded in Hora Finita (tab Library).
The PhD student’s statements must be uploaded in a separate document (tab Library).
For technical questions, please send an e-mail to
For copyright matters, please send an e-mail to
The PhD student is free to pick a printer of his/her own choosing. However, two research institutes, ERIM and the Tinbergen Institute, have a fixed format for printed theses. These institutes use their own regular printer.
Electronic copy of thesis
The electronic copy of a candidate’s thesis must be identical to a hard-copy thesis. In other words, it must be obvious to the reader that the document is a PhD thesis. All versions of the thesis must clearly and uniformly state the title of the thesis and the PhD student’s name.
Submitting the thesis
The thesis must be submitted to the Beadle, as an electronic copy (for inclusion in the library) and in hard copy, at least 5 weeks before the scheduled date of the PhD defence, with all the required appendices (see overview above).
Erasmus MC PhD students:
- Submit 7 copies to Beadle’s Office
- Submit 1 copy to each member of the examining board
- Bring 10 copies to the ceremony
- Please ask the secretariat of the Erasmus MC supervisor's department how many copies they need.
Woudestein faculties PhD students:
- Submit 7 copies to Beadle’s Office
- Submit 1 copy to each member of the examining board
- Bring 10 copies to the ceremony
And for the faculty where you are doing your PhD, please check with the faculty office how many copies you need to submit to them.:
The PhD candidate ensures that all Assessment Committee members receive a copy of the thesis.
Thesis allowance
PhD students are eligible for a reimbursement of their thesis production costs of up to €750, provided that they submit the required number of copies to EUR. PhD students who have already received a thesis allowance from another source are ineligible for a EUR thesis allowance, or may only be eligible for a smaller allowance.
You can only apply for a reimbursement if you have uploaded all digital documents in Hora Finita.
You can fill in these forms by using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and select the option 'fill & sign'.
Hora Finita
For promovendi at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC