Whether its for an informal drink or to look for new academic collaborations, as a PhD candidate you might want to network with fellow researchers. There are several PhD associations in Rotterdam that help you to connect with other PhD candidates and academics.

Erasmus PhD Association Rotterdam (EPAR)
EPAR is the EUR PhD network. EPAR organises get-togethers and other social affairs, provides information to PhD candidates and maintains contact with university policymakers. It maintains contacts with the university’s policy makers and organises drinks and other events to bring together and support the PhD community.
Promeras (Erasmus MC)
Promeras represents the PhD candidates of the medical center of Erasmus University Rotterdam: Erasmus MC. The main goal is to stand up for the rights of all PhD candidates, for instance the right to follow courses and the right to receive high quality supervision during their research. The board meets the Dean and people of Human Resources and Research & Policy on a regular base. Moreover, Promeras advises the PhD Committee about the PhD Education Policy. Additionally, when PhD candidates have questions or problems the board of Promeras can offer help. Promeras is a member of EPAR (Erasmus PhD Association Rotterdam).

Young@EUR is a network for young (under 36 years old) academic and support staff of Erasmus University Rotterdam. It regularly organises events aimed at personal and professional development, sharing knowledge and community building across the various EUR faculties.
PhD Councils of the Graduate Schools
In Dutch universities, PhD students are represented by local PhD councils. They maintain contact at with the Executive Board of the university, with the deans and research directors of the faculties and with individual PhD students. Each faculty or Graduate School has one or more PhD Council representatives. To learn more about your local PhD Council contact a PhD Office or a contact person from a PhD support office of your faculty or school.
PNN is the national organisation that represents the interests of PhD candidates at all Dutch universities in various advisory councils.