Creating Impact
The primary objective of Business Development & Knowledge Transfer (BDKT, part of Erasmus Research Services) is to support researchers with developing their impact driven research ideas; articulating the societal value and impact of their research; and identifying the next steps in their future oriented research plans. We achieve this by:
- Identifying and establishing meaningful collaborations (including setting up national and international consortia as part of funding applications - in collaboration with the grant advisors);
- Advising on the protection of intellectual property, for example, software or other copyrightable materials, know-how or trade secrets, and patents;
- Negotiating and drafting contracts where access to research results is part of the contract, such as public-private collaborative research contracts, consultancy agreements and licensing agreements;
- Supporting spin-out ideas and initiatives;
- Enhancing your professional skills regarding knowledge transfer activities (for example, through training and workshops).
Connect with our team
If you have a research idea or (preliminary) research results that could improve people’s lives, give rise to better products or services for companies, strengthen public organisations, or benefit society at large then contact our team of business developers and legal experts. We are ready to support you!