Sarah Ruigrok

Sarah Ruigrok
Because I now work at such a big company, I get insights in many different fields. I see what they are doing and I get to talk to the people from other fields.

Sarah Ruigrok

Internship at Vogue, the Netherlands

What is your job title at your internship?
"I am an online editor at Vogue Netherlands." 

What are your main tasks and responsibilities?
"I basically write half of the articles that are on Vogue's website. Next to that, I have to manage the social media and take care of some client support." 

What is the most valuable thing you have learned personally as well as career wise so far?
"I think that would be that I now really know what I like and what I do not like. Before my internship, I knew that I wanted to work in the fashion industry, but not in what area. Because I now work at such a big company, I get insights in many different fields. I see what they are doing and I get to talk to the people from other fields. I already learnt so much about that and I now really know what direction I want to go in, that is something I have been waiting for since forever! Furthermore, I got to know a lot of people which will, hopefully, be beneficial to me in the future." 

How did you find your internship?
"I sent out a lot of letters. I was very glad that, in contrast to other studies, IBCoM gave us the possibility to do an internship, because I really wanted to gain some practical insights. This is why I decided that I had to make the most out of the internship, and only apply for companies I really liked. So that is what I did: I sent letters to every company where I really wanted to work and I got some replies from great companies. Eventually I chose Vogue. I never expected to get any replies, but I did! It showed me that if you are really passionate about something and you work hard for it, it will happen." 

What IBCoM courses proved to be most useful during your internship so far?
"For me, the business of media and corporate communication proved to be very helpful. Also, the more creative course New Media Production, was very helpful for me, because I am now creating content on a daily basis and might be helping with the videos in the upcoming months." 

Do you have any piece of advice to future IBCoM students, who are just about to start their internships?
"My advice is to only apply for companies you would really like to work for, otherwise you will definitely hate it. I leave my house at 6:35 every day, and I'm back at 19:30. If I would not like it, I would go crazy. Furthermore, it is only a couple of months, so try to work as hard as possible because you can get very nice opportunities. And lastly, you are capable of so much more than you think! Just apply for that job, you can do it." 

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