Xian Zhang

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Life is full of uncertainties; just enjoy it!

Xian Zhang

Student LL.M. International and European Union Law

I am from China, and I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Law there. While participating in the Jessup Moot Court Competition during my bachelor programme, I first discovered my passion for Public International Law. As a result, I made the decision to apply for the LL.M. programme in International and European Union Law in order to broaden my knowledge in that field.

This LL.M. programme is unique in many respects. What I benefitted most from was the combination of International and European law. This enabled me to compare the two disciplines of law, and to think beyond the scope of international law in a wider sense. What I learned in the EU Law classes provided me with a different perspective, and inspired critical thinking whenever I considered specific aspects of international law and the research I was carrying out. Even when I was having doubts regarding the processes I was learning about, I gained many new insights into international law.

The lecturers are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about their (…) fields, and they always try to inspire and encourage us in learning ‘how to think’ rather than ‘what to think’, and in moving away from rote learning.

The course also gave us the opportunity to develop numerous friendships with people from all over the world. Our group was small, but very diverse, which allowed us to experience new cultures and perspectives. We now have connections spread around the world − a great incentive for travelling to new places and for job hunting across borders.

In addition to being a law student, I am a keen amateur photographer who is obsessed with travelling. I like travelling alone to different places, without a particular purpose or a specific plan. What I love most is just picking somewhere I have never been before, and exploring that unknown land with my camera.

To be honest, I am not sure where I will be next year, or even in the next 5 years (although I do have plans). But one thing I am certain about is that I will do something related to the field of International Environmental Law. This is the area I feel most passionate about, and it also the subject of my master thesis. A motto that I live by is this: ‘Life is full of uncertainties; just enjoy it!’

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