Op 17 juni hebben Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) promovendi Jasmin Seijbel (Geschiedenis), Carmen Longas Luque en Arne van Lienden (Media & Communicatie) over hun onderzoek gepresenteerd tijdens het internationale Sport and Discrimination congres in Londen. Bovendien heeft Prof. dr. Jacco van Sterkenburg de opening key note van het congres verzorgd.
Presentaties van Jacco, Carmen en Arne richtten zich met name op bevindingen van hun NWO-Vidi onderzoek naar voetbalmedia en raciaal-etnische stereotyperingen in Engeland, Nederland, Polen en Spanje. Jasmin haar presentatie ging over anti-semitisme in online uitingen van voetbalfans.
Het evenement werd gehouden bij de University of Sunderland campus in Londen. De rol van media en nieuwe media in diverse vormen van discriminatie in sport was een belangrijk thema tijdens het congres. Presentaties werden gedaan door senior onderzoekers, promovendi, professionals en beleidsmakers. Zij richtten zich op diverse sociale dimensies zoals etniciteit, ‘race’, gender, seksuele orientatie en (dis)ability en hoe deze dimensies bijdragen aan processen van in- en uitsluiting in sport en sportmedia. Meer informatie over het congres is te vinden op de website van Sunderland University.

"I very much enjoyed meeting other researchers working in the same field of research, especially after not being able to do so for two years because of the pandemic. It was also nice to hear their thoughts and valuable suggestions on my research."

“I had the honour of speaking at the Sport & Discrimination conference that took place in London on Friday June 17th. I presented my most recent research endeavor, in which I looked at the discourses surrounding race and ethnicity that young audiences of Polish televised football draw on. It was a great event, with many stimulating questions and discussions."

“During the conference in London I presented some of my work on online hate and antisemitic discourse on Twitter in the context of Dutch football. I enjoyed the conference and got some great questions from the audience.”

“It was really nice to be there in London with our small team of researchers from Rotterdam and have such informative interactions with our international colleagues on a variety of research aspects.”
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