Privacy Notice - Alumni Processes

In this privacy notice, we will discuss what kind of data is processed of EUR alumni, how this data is processed and for what purpose. This privacy notice is the more detailed overview of the EUR’s processing of alumni data. For general information about privacy and the handling of data at the EUR (e.g. how you can exercise your GDPR-rights), please see the EUR privacy statement. The EUR distinguishes seven main processes in the processing of EUR alumni data. 

Below you will find per process:

  1. For what purpose we process your personal data;
  2. What our legal ground for processing the data is;
  3. Which personal data we process from you;
  4. Where we get that personal data from;
  5. How long we will retain your personal data, and;
  6. Which 3rd parties are involved in the processing of personal data.
 Alumni ProcessDescription
1Communications & Networking (using Database(s))Engaging and staying in contact with EUR Alumni. Providing interested parties with information on EUR and EUR’s programmes. For this, personalised emails (a.o. for birthdays), a newsletter, a magazine, and online interviews, whitepapers and videos are produced.
2Specific Surveys/RankingsEvaluating whether a Programme met expectations, quality requirements, and whether the Programme had career-related consequences.
3Events (graduation, reunion, lifelong learning)Organising events, including inviting, registering, hosting and surveying attendees. Attendees can include students, alumni and externals.
4Alumni chaptersTo organise local events throughout the entire world in which EUR alumni can take part. A selected alumnus will be the designated chapter lead and will receive data of EUR alumni.
5Re-Engaging (volunteering, mentoring)EUR wants alumni to give back, either in the form of volunteering for speeches, educational projects or events, by mentoring current students or other alumni, or by assisting EUR in recruiting prospective students.
6Fundraising – alumni & externenTo raise funds to support the EUR and its initiatives in its goals to achieve societal impact. Students or alumni can also raise funds themselves via the fundraising platform for causes that support this goal.
7Specific Alumni/Relations & Advisory BoardsTo keep track of specific alumni and relations to build EUR’s reputation worldwide and ensure they stay connected to the EUR either in the short or longterm, to pro-actively contact them for highlights in news items, to give speeches, or to take part in EUR advisory boards.
8Statistical Analysis, Research & ReportingTo perform statistical analysis, research and produce relevant reports that will facilitate a detailed understanding of the EUR Alumni Community. 

1. Purpose

Engaging and staying in contact with EUR Alumni. Providing interested parties with information on EUR and EUR’s programmes.

For this, personalised emails (a.o. for birthdays), a newsletter, a magazine, and online interviews, whitepapers and videos are produced.

2. GroundsLegitimate interest – To contact alumni and keep track of their development. Specific opt-out and opt-in possibilities are offered.
3. Personal Data

First name and last name
Date of birth
City of birth
Social media links

Completed programme
Graduation date
Student number

Personal email address
Phone number
Home address
Postal code
City of residence
Country of residence

Career-related data (current and former roles):
Job title
Company name
Company address
Functional area
Functional industry
Job start date
Job end date

Data used in publications:
Personal testimonials

Engagement data:
Communication preferences
Engagement preferences
Email clicking behaviour
Event registrations/attended events

4. Source & How 

From data already known to EUR:
Personal details have been used during an alumnus’ enrolment at EUR. From the Student Information System, these details are forwarded to the CRM system.

From the alumnus itself, through:
Completing an EUR programme
Updating information on an EUR form
Registering for events or other EUR initiatives
Personal interaction with EUR employees

Career-related data, also through:
Business cards
Media reports

Imagery, through:
Photographs taken during the Programme
New photographs by photographers

5. Retention

The data is kept indefinitely, since EUR wants to connect with alumni on a lifelong basis, and on the basis of the former guidelines of the Exemption Decision of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (in Dutch: Vrijstellingsbesluit WBP, artikel 41).

Imagery is stored for the duration for which consent was obtained.

An alumnus may always opt-out of getting contacted by EUR, or may alter his/her preferences.

6. 3rd Parties & Transfer 

Alumni Portal
Careers platform (RSM alumni)
Cloud storage system
CRM systems
Designing company
Email system
Event registration system
Media Channels:
Mentoring platform
Postal company
Printing company
Publishing company
Social media

EUR alumni:
Local chapter leads

Erasmus Trust Fund
Erasmus Alumni Trust


1. PurposeEvaluating whether a Programme met expectations, quality requirements, and whether the Programme had career-related consequences.
2. Grounds

Legitimate interest – to contact the alumni.

Consent – an alumnus can opt to take part in the specific survey or a ranking survey.

Legitimate interest – aggregated anonymised alumni information (a.o. on the basis of information collected during a specific survey) is provided to ranking bodies in order to take part in the rankings.This data may be audited by ranking bodies in which case the data needs to be personalised again.

3. Personal Data

First name and last name
Personal email address
Personal testimonials
Preferences & interests (personal and professional) with regards to future events

Furthermore, optionally, the following data may be requested:

Social Media data:
Links to social media profiles, to (with specific opt-in) show to future/current/former students.

Career-related data, including:
Company name
Company location
Company industry
Job title

Job offers, including:
Company name
Company location
Company industry
Job title

Salary data, including:
Original salary upon starting the Programme
Base salary
Vacation pay or other guaranteed compensation

Job searching data (Y/N), including:
Undertaken interviews/internships/activities
Faculty referrals
Alumni referrals

HR contact new employer:
First name and last name
Job title
Telephone number
Email address

Optionally: Internship data:
Company name
Company location
Company industry
Job title

4. Source & HowContact details from the CRM system.
Other data from the alumnus itself.
5. Retention

The data entered in surveys in kept for 5 years.

Data may also be used to update the CRM alumni database from the “Communication & Networking” process. The retention time of that process applies.

6. 3rd Parties & Transfer

Cloud storage system
CRM system
Email system
Ranking bodies
Survey system
Erasmus Alumni Trust


1. PurposeOrganising events, including inviting, registering, hosting and surveying attendees. Attendees can include students, alumni and externals.
2. Grounds

Contractual – An alumnus or other participant opts to take part in an event and accepts terms and conditions upon registering for it.

Legitimate interest – Alumni and former participants are contacted to take part in new events.

Consent – Participants can opt to be kept up to date with regards to future events.

Consent – For dietary requirements (special category of data)

3. Personal Data

First name and last name
Personal email address
Phone number
Country of residence
Event registration tag/previously attended events
Functional industry
Dietary requirements
Functional impairments

If alumnus or student, study data:
Completed programme
Graduation date

Career-related data:
Job title
Company name

Company address
Functional area

Anonymous data unless email address is submitted:
Post-event survey data, including engagement data, preferences & interests (personal and professional) with regards to future events. 

4. Source & How

Alumni are contacted using the CRM system and email system.

From the participant itself, through:
•    Registering for the events or other EUR initiatives;
•    Personal interaction with EUR employees at/before/after the event.

5. Retention

The data is kept for 7 years after an event has taken place.

Data may also be used to update the CRM system from the “Communication & Networking” process. The retention time of that process applies.

6. 3rd Parties & TransferCaterers
Cloud storage system
CRM system
Email system
Event app
Event registration system
Event venue
Quiz system
Survey system


1. PurposeTo organise local events throughout the entire world in which EUR alumni can take part. A selected alumnus will be the designated chapter lead and will receive data of EUR alumni.
2. Grounds

Consent – An alumnus can opt for his information to be shared with the chapter lead to be contacted for local events. 
Contractual: The alumni chapter lead has a contract with EUR.

3. Personal Data

First name and last name
Completed programme
Graduation date
Personal email address
Phone number
City of residence

Career-related data:
Job title
Company name

4. Source & How•    The data is shared from the CRM system and from the event registration system.
5. RetentionThe data is kept for 1 year by the chapter lead, after which it must either be updated or deleted.
6. 3rd Parties & TransferCRM system
Cloud storage system
Email system
Event registration system

EUR alumni:
Local chapter leads


1. Purpose EUR wants alumni to give back, either in the form of volunteering for speeches, educational projects or events, by mentoring current students or other alumni, or by assisting EUR in recruiting prospective students.
2. Grounds

Legitimate interest – Alumni and are contacted to re-engage with EUR.

Consent – an alumnus opts to re-engage. The alumnus can also submit this preference using the post-event surveys.

3. Personal Data 

First name and last name
Personal email address
Phone number
Country of residence
Functional industry
Activity on the mentoring platform (requested interactions, completed consultations)

If alumnus, study data:
Completed programme
Graduation date

Career-related data:
Job title
Company name

Company address
Functional area

4. Source & How Data is taken from the mentoring system, or from volunteer itself or the CRM system in case an alumnus ops to volunteer.
5. Retention 

The data is kept for 5 years on the mentoring platform.

Data may also be used to update the CRM alumni database from the “Communication & Networking” process. The retention time of that process applies.

6. 3rd Parties & Transfer CRM system
Careers platform
Email system
Event registration system
Mentoring system
Survey system


1. Purpose To raise funds to support the EUR and its initiatives in its goals to achieve societal impact. Students or alumni can also raise funds themselves via the fundraising platform for causes that support this goal.
2. Grounds 

Legitimate interest – To contact alumni and externals for fundraising.

Contractual – An alumnus or external opts to pledge funds on the basis of specific terms and conditions.

3. Personal Data 

First name and last name
Personal email address
Phone number
Country of residence
Functional industry
Bank account number
Amount donated

If alumnus, study data:
Completed programme
Graduation date

Career-related data:
Job title
Company name

Company address
Functional area

4. Source & How From the CRM system to contact, from the alumnus or contact itself via the fundraising platform. The fundraising platform communicates back to CRM system.
5. Retention 

Fundraising data is kept for 7 years. 

Data may also be used to update the CRM alumni database from the “Communication & Networking” process. The retention time of that process applies.

6. 3rd Parties & Transfer 

CRM system
Email system
Fundraising platform

Erasmus Trust Fund


1. Purpose To keep track of specific alumni and relations to build EUR’s reputation worldwide and ensure they stay connected to the EUR either in the short or longterm, to pro-actively contact them for highlights in news items, to give speeches, or to take part in EUR advisory boards.
2. Grounds 

Contractual – legal arrangement between EUR and advisory board members.

Legitimate interest - To contact relations or alumni and keep track of their development.

Consent – The relation or alumnus can opt to engage with EUR.

3. Personal Data 

First name and last name
Date of birth
City of birth
Social media links
Dietary requirements

Completed programme
Graduation date
Student number

Personal email address
Phone number
Home address
Postal code
City of residence
Country of residence

Career-related data (current and former roles):
Job title
Company name
Company address
Functional area
Functional industry
Job start date
Job end date

Data used in publications or minutes:
Personal testimonials

Network data through surveys:
Who interacts with whom (e.g. contacting, negotiating)

Engagement data:
Communication preferences
Engagement preferences
Email clicking behaviour
Event registrations/attended events

4. Source & How From the CRM system, the alumnus or contact itself via the email system, or through personal interaction.
5. Retention 

The data is kept indefinitely, since EUR wants to connect with these alumni and contacts on a lifelong basis, and on the basis of the former guidelines of the Exemption Decision of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (in Dutch: Vrijstellingsbesluit WBP, artikel 41).

Data from advisory board notes is kept for 10 years, on the basis of the University Archive Law 2020, no. 18.

Imagery is stored for the duration for which consent was obtained.

An alumnus or contact may always opt-out of getting contacted by EUR, or may alter his/her preferences.

6. 3rd Parties & Transfer 

Cloud storage system
CRM system
Designing company
Email system
Flower company
Media Channels:
Postal company
Printing company
Publishing company
Social media

Erasmus Trust Fund
Erasmus Alumni Trust


1. Purpose 

To perform statistical analysis, research and produce relevant reports that will facilitate a detailed understanding of the EUR Alumni Community.

2. Grounds 

Consent – Consent to store and process data is collected at the time of graduation and alumni have the opportunity to opt out at any time.

Legitimate interest - : To improve the understanding of the EUR Alumni Community (in relation to the EUR’s strategic goals).

3. Personal Data 

First name and last name
Date of birth
City of birth
Social media links
Dietary requirements

Completed programme
Graduation date
Student number

Personal email address
Phone number
Home address
Postal code
City of residence
Country of residence

Career-related data (current and former roles):
Job title
Company name
Company address
Functional area
Functional industry
Job start date
Job end date

Data used in publications or minutes:
Personal testimonials

Network data through surveys:
Who interacts with whom (e.g. contacting, negotiating)

Engagement data:
Communication preferences
Engagement preferences
Email clicking behaviour
Event registrations/attended events

4. Source & How 

From the CRM system, the alumnus or contact itself via the email system, or through personal interaction.

5. Retention 

The data is kept indefinitely, since EUR wants to connect with these alumni and contacts on a lifelong basis, and on the basis of the former guidelines of the Exemption Decision of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (in Dutch: Vrijstellingsbesluit WBP, artikel 41).

Imagery is stored for the duration for which consent was obtained.

An alumnus or contact may always opt-out of getting contacted or researched by EUR, or may alter his/her preferences.

6. 3rd Parties & Transfer 

Cloud storage system
CRM system
Designing company
Email system
Flower company
Media Channels:
Postal company
Printing company
Publishing company
Social media

All ancillary companies and subsidiaries (for example all centres & BVs) fully owned by EUR and are members of the Bestuursconvenant between EUR-Holding/BVs.

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