Open Day Erasmus Medical Center

Saturday 12 October 2024
erasmus mc

Are you interested in Medicine (in Dutch), Nanobiology and Clinical Technology (in Dutch)? Do you want to become a doctor, researcher or clinical technologist? Then come to the Open Day Erasmus Medical Center on 12 October 2024 and find the study programme that suits you! Discover what Erasmus Medical Center has to offer students and ask all your questions about your future study.

What can you expect during the Open Day Erasmus Medical Center?

At the Open Day Erasmus Medical Center, you can attend information sessions on the bachelor programmes Medicine (in Dutch), Nanobiology and Clinical Technology (in Dutch). In addition, our student information officers, students and graduates will be on hand to answer your questions about the bachelor programme of your choice.

Get inspired by doctors and researchers during a trial lecture, take a real CPR lesson and walk around the Education Centre at Erasmus MC!

Practical information

  • For whom? - Prospective bachelor students interested in Medicine, Nanobiology and Clinical Technology and their parent(s)/caretaker(s)
  • When? - Saturday 12 October 2024, 09:00 to 16:30 (local time)
  • Where? - Education center at Erasmus Medical Center
  • What? - All information about Erasmus Medical Center's bachelor programmes (with students, graduates, doctors, researchers and teachers)

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