
Campus V H M buildings

We offer a broad range of courses. From academic courses that focus on specific topics (from Business Management to International Health Policy) to language courses and lectures. There's always an interesting course for you at Erasmus University Rotterdam!

Overview courses

6 results

  • Data analysis with R

    In this course the instructor will illustrate the application of R with practical examples. R is widely used open-source software environment for data analysis.
  • Earth Economics

    This is a course for Earthlings that want to understand how economic policy making can move beyond narrow national interests and how global public goods can be…
  • Introduction to Economic Theories

    Have you ever wondered why economists have not predicted financial crises or asked yourself if there are no sensible economic alternatives to free markets? 
  • MOOC Introduction to economic theories

    This MOOC teaches economics from a pluralist perspective, introducing 4 economic theories for the whole set of topics in microeconomics and macroeconomics. More>
  • MOOC Local Economic Development

    MOOC on how local governments, businesses and civil society groups get together to raise income sustainably and improve their lives. Find out more >>
  • MOOC When disaster meets conflict

    Free MOOC on Disaster Risk Reduction and humanitarian aid in conflict settings. It explores the choices and dilemmas faced by actors in conflict settings.

Language & Training Centre

Spanish 2024


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Massive Open Online Courses - student studying - writing

Deep Dives

An Academic Writing selfstudy

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)

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Woman stands in front of the Rotterdam Central station.

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