
627 search results for admission requirements for international students in English in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • Admission and application bachelor
    Here you can find information about the admission process for a Bachelor degree at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Admission and application
    You’re looking to do a master programme at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). This is your to-do list:
  • What do our students say?
    Curious what EUR students really think of studying at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and living in Rotterdam? Meet our students by choosing one of the
  • Handbook international students
    To help you prepare for your stay in the Netherlands the Erasmus University Rotterdam has compelled some usefull information both about living and studying in…
  • Chat with our students
    Do you have questions about a study programme? Or do you want practical information about studying in Rotterdam? Then don't hesitate and chat with one of our…
  • Students from other Dutch universities
    You may apply for a course from the Health Care Management (HCM) or Health Economics, Policy & Law (HEPL) master's programme if you are enrolled in another…
  • Erasmus students
    If you are interested in following a course from the Health Care Management or Health Economics, Policy & Law master programme, and you are following a master…
  • International Institute of Social Studies
    The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) is an international Post-Graduate School of policy-oriented, social science teaching and research that is…
  • International Health Policy Programme
    The International Health Policy Program, Thailand (IHPP) is a semi-autonomous research organization aiming at enhancing health policy research. IHPP has…
  • Erasmus International Regulator Course
    The course is aimed at designing regulatory practice and policy to face the ever-changing environment of health and care regulation.

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