Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Sustainable health care for all

Welcome at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is a leader in education and research in the field of health policy and management in the Netherlands and far beyond.

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ESHPM Academy

ESHPM Academy's courses and meetings are practice-oriented with a solid scientific foundation. They are taught by renowned professors and university lecturers and inspiring guest speakers.

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ESHPM Research

Social Safety

At ESHPM we want students and employees to feel safe during their studies and their work.

Caring about Informal Caregivers’ Health – London or Leiden, does it matter for their experiences?

Population aging is often seen as an abstract concern that is best left to politicians or the pension-funds to occupy themselves with.
Taking care for each other

“Start behavioural economics from a more liberal approach”

For many years, it was assumed that welfare could be improved by trying to satisfy the preferences of as many people as possible, preferably without making
Robert Sugden
Robbert Huijsman met Hugo de Jonge

Who are stakeholders in research?

Robert Borst

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