Alumni Social Event and Webinar

Thursday 10 Dec 2020, 16:30 - 18:00
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Alice Dietrich

The first online ESSB alumni event of the new academic year focuses on employee creativity during the Covid-19 crisis. In addition, the alumni office will tell more about the new initiative of domain-specific alumi board. Of course, the event also offers an excellent opportunity to catch up with alumni and get to know new alumni.

Employee creativity - a way to deal with the covid-19 crisis at work

In this interactive talk our guest speaker explores the question: do employees who increased their creativity at work experience an advantage in their well-being, learning and development? He’ll be sharing insights of his recent research conducted among employees of different occupational sectors, looking at before and during covid-19 scenarios.


Paraskevas Petrou obtained his PhD in employee adaptation to organizational change and works now as assistant professor as part of ESSB’s Organizational Psychology team. Some of the questions he has been researching are: What is the right balance between work and leisure? How can employees best adapt to their changing jobs and to their changing organizations? What are the benefits of taking initiative and proactively improving one’s (working) life? He is also giving a masterclass at the ESSB Academy in spring 2021, stay tuned!

Alumni boards

In order to provide alumni of each domain more opportunities to stay in touch with each other and keep abreast of developments in their field of expertise, four different domain-specific alumni boards will be established this year. These boards will be involved in organizing alumni events and asked to give advice and feedback on the study programs. At the event, the alumni office of the ESSB will tell more about this initiative.

Register for the event 

Every alumni received an invitation to the event in the alumni newsletter of November. You can subscribe to the event via the link in the email. Didn't receive the newsletter? Send an email to

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