Erasmus birthday - 'Lof der Zotheid' pin awarded

Stadhuis Rotterdam
Thursday 28 Oct 2021, 16:30 - 18:00
Spoken Language

Stadhuis Rotterdam, Coolsingel 40, 3011 AD Rotterdam

Ticket information

A limited number of seats are available in the Citizens' Hall. Registration is required via, stating name and telephone number, in connection with the coronation measures.

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Hovo cursus Grote Denkers deel 1

On Thursday 28 October, Erasmus' birthday, columnist, writer and researcher Rosanne Hertzberger will be presented with the 11th Lof der Zotheid pin in the Citizens' Hall of Rotterdam City Hall. The winner of the 10th Lof der Zotheid pin, Dick Couvée, will also receive the award. Last year the presentation was postponed because of Covid.


Erasmus Week

The award ceremony is part of Erasmus Week, with activities inspired by the ideas of the famous Rotterdammer. Besides the award ceremony the programme includes: an Erasmus walk, a lunch concert, a symposium on citizenship education, guest lectures by students of the Erasmian Gymnasium at Rotterdam primary schools, the presentation of the last book in the impressive series Letters of Erasmus in which his complete correspondence is published, the Human Library and the possibility to admire real books and letters from the private collection of Erasmus in the vault of the Rotterdam Library.

Look at the programme of the Erasmus Week
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The prize goes to someone who, in the spirit of Erasmus, has dedicated himself to society and has championed tolerance, education and satire.
portretfoto Rosanne Hertzberger
Het Comité Erasmus, Icoon van Rotterdam, heeft de 10e Lof der Zotheidspeld toegekend aan Dick Couvée, dominee van de Pauluskerk.
Dick Couvée

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