Erasmus University x Unilever - What is it like: working at Unilever with a functional impairment?

Tuesday 20 Apr 2021, 15:30 - 17:00
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Erasmus University Rotterdam and Unilever are organising two events on how to approach the labour market when you have a functional impairment.

These online events are there to provide students with a functional impairment and others that are interested with information with:

  1. The recruitment procedure for students / employees with a disability (April 13)
  2. What it is like working with a disability in a company - panel (April 20)

On Tuesday the 20th of April three Unilever employees with a disability will take part in a panel. The Unilever moderator will interview them and ask them questions about their experiences. Also here, there will be time to ask them all about the road they have traveled.

More information

Via this form you can sign up right away!
On this page you can find more information on the event on April 13.

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