European Cooperation on Healthcare

Friday 21 Jun 2019, 09:45 - 18:00
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Campus Woudestein
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European Cooperation on Healthcare congres

Because cross-border collaboration is crucial in research but not always easy (as illustrated by the imminent Brexit) we will be hosting a one day event on European cooperation on healthcare. On Friday June 21st 2019 the following speakers will share their expertise and discuss potential challenges:

09:00 - 09:45Welcome with coffee 
09:45-09:50Hans Severens, PhD

Affiliation: Dean of Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management 
09.50- 09:55Donald Singer, PhD
Introduction of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine (FPM)

Affiliation: President of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine
09:55-10:00Ken Redekop, PhD
Introduction of Health Policy and Technology (HPT)

Affiliation:  Associate Professor Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
10:00-10:25Zoltan Kalo, PhD
Is there a fair allocation of healthcare research funds by the European Union?
Affiliation: Professor of Health Economics 1) Department of Health Policy and Health Economics, Eötvös Loránd University; 2) Syreon Research Institute 
10:25-10:50Jorge Gonzalez, PhD
The inDemand model: Faster and easier demand-driven co-creation in Health

Affiliation: Chief Executive Officer Ticbiomed
10:50-11:00Plenary discussion 
 Chair: Peter Kapitein
Affiliation: President and Patient Advocate of Inspire2Live
11:30-11:55Liese Barbier, Pharm.D (EMA)
European Medicines Agency Perspective on Biosimilars

Affiliation: European Medicines Agency, PhD researcher at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
11:55-12:20Marlies Wijsenbeek, MD, PhD
European cooperation for registries for rare lung diseases

Affiliation: Lung specialist Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
12:20-12:45Carin Uyl-de Groot, PhD,
Sustainability and affordability of innovative drugs at stake: cross-border solutions necessary

Affiliation: Professor Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
12:45-12:55Plenary discussion 
 Chair: Andre den Exter, PhD
 Affiliation: Associate Professor Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
14:00-14:25Barbara Pierscionek, PhD, MBA, LLM
Future healthcare challenges in EU from the ethicolegal perspective

Affiliation: Associate Dean for Research Nottingham Trent University
14:25-14-50Donald Singer, PhD
Engaging with European Health Policymakers

Affiliation: Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, member of the panel of experts of the European Medicines Agency
14:50-15:15Ines Hernando, MSc
The participation of patient advocates in the European Reference Networks

Affiliation: European Reference Networks and Healthcare Director at EURORDIS
15:15-15:25Plenary discussion 
 Chair: Nick Guldemond, PhD, DSc (med)
Affiliation: Professor Integrated Care & Technology I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
15:55-16:20Ron de Winter, PhD
COMBACTE: Combatting multidrug bacterial resistance in Europe in a public-private partnership

Affiliation: Programma Manager European Projects, Julius Centrum Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
16:20- 16:45Marcus Guardian, M.A, MBA
EUnetHTA for cross-border Health Technology AssessmentEUnetHTA for cross-border Health Technology Assessment

Affiliation: Chief Operating Officer EUnetHTA
16:45- 17:10Marjan Hummel, PhD & Christine Muzel, MSc (Philips)
Early health technology assessment in the medical device industry and its international implications

Affiliation: Marjan Hummel is Senior Information Scientist at Philips Research and Christine is Director Technology Strategy at Philips Healthcare
17:10-17:20Plenary discussion 
17:20-18:30Networking drinks & Poster Awards 
More information

For more extensive information about the costs and submitting abstracts, please visit the website of FPM. For any other question please send an email to Lytske Bakker;

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