Inspiration session Feedback Fruits: Facilitating (peer) feedback

Friday 23 Sep 2022, 10:00 - 11:00

Online via Zoom

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Learn more about FeedbackFruits' four (peer) feedback tools in this interactive workshop. You will see a demo of how the tools work for both students and teachers.

What is FeedbackFruits?

FeedbackFruits LMS-integrated tool suite is an all-in-one solution to boost student engagement & collaboration in any course setting. These tools empower teachers & learners to create synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences for every need.

Facilitating (peer) feedback 

In this session, you will get an introduction of the four (peer) feedback tools that allow both teachers and students to give feedback on different types of deliverables and skills. The instructor creates feedback criteria based on which the students’ work or skills are evaluated. 

  • Peer Review: Organize effective and efficient peer feedback and facilitate peer learning by guiding your students in reviewing each other's work
  • Group Member Evaluation: Get insight into the group dynamics and improve team work by letting students evaluate their team members’ collaboration skills
  • Assignment Review: Efficiently provide in-line feedback on student’s handed in work (e.g. documents, videos) 
  • Skill Review: Give structured feedback to students’ skills demonstrated during live classes or oral exams. 

During this interactive workshop you’ll see a live demo of how the tools work from both the teacher and student perspective and you get the opportunity to experience a tool as a student yourself. Of course, there will also be time to discuss your questions. 

Hope to see you there! 

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