!! MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE !! PhD defence A.M. (Andrea) Brum-Oome

Prof.dr. J.P.T.M. van Leeuwen
Dr.ing. B.C.J. van der Eerden
Friday 20 Mar 2020, 09:30 - 11:00
PhD defence
Senate Hall
Erasmus Building
Campus Woudestein
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On Friday 20 March 2020, A.M. Brum-Oome will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Building Bone. Human mesenchymal stromal cells and the identification of genes and processes in osteoblast differentiation’.

Bone is a dynamic organ that throughout life undergoes constant remodeling controlled in a balancing act between removal of old bone by osteoclasts and formation of new bone controlled by osteoblasts, as well as its terminally differentiated form the osteocyte. The process of building bone starts with the mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC), a multipotent cell that has the ability to differentiate into a number of cell types including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes. A number of key factors and signaling pathways controlling osteoblast differentiation and activity have been identified over the last few decades; however, a better understanding of the signaling network, their intricate interactions, and what other genes and pathways are involved in osteoblast function is required to develop approaches to enhance bone formation and promote fracture healing for patients with disorders such as osteoporosis. The overall aim of this thesis, through a combined use of bioinformatic, genomic, molecular, and proteomic approaches, was to identify novel factors (compounds, genes, and processes) involved osteoblast differentiation and bone formation to expand the basic knowledge of osteoblast differentiation which can ultimately be used the development of a novel bone anabolic treatment for conditions such as osteoporosis.

The public defence will take place at the Senatehall, 1st floor of the Erasmus Building, Campus Woudestein. The ceremony will begin exactly at 09.30 hrs. In light of the solemn nature of the ceremony, we recommend that you do not take children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony.

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