Opening exhibition Thomas Trum in Erasmus Gallery

Thursday 28 Nov 2019, 15:30 - 17:00
Erasmus Gallery
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onegreenline09 by Thomas Trumm
onegreenline09 by Thomas Trum
Thomas Trumm

From 28 November onwards, you can see a new exhibition in the Erasmus Gallery, centered around the work of Thomas Trum.

Studying materials, carriers and shapes

Research is central to the oeuvre of the artist Thomas Trum (1989). He does not only study the material with which he works. Other parts and possibilities are also constantly being explored, such as how the material is processed and how the carrier on which it is carried out responds.

A constant in his work is paint, whether it concerns small-scale drawings or his colorful, large-scale works in public space. As an instrument, Trum uses, among other things, self-designed very large-format felt-tip pens, a machine for marking lines, and brushes on a drilling machine.

All this results in unconventional methods and techniques with which the 'images' of his work find their way on paper, canvas, and directly on the wall. His style of working is often based on trial-and-error, in which the directness of the action in the creative process is an essential part of the extraordinarily fascinating result.

More information

You can visit this exhibition in the Erasmus Gallery until 28 February 2020. The Gallery is open on workdays, between 09.00 a.m. and 6 p.m.

If you would like to know more about the exhibition, you can contact Art Affairs by calling +31 10 408 2802, 06 13777244 or by sending an email to

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