A. Soebhag will defend his PhD dissertation on Wednesday, 22 November 2023, entitled: ’Essays in Empirical Asset Pricing‘.
- Promotor
- Promotor
- Date
- Wednesday 22 Nov 2023, 10:30 - 12:00
- Type
- PhD defence
- Space
- Senate Hall
- Building
- Erasmus Building
- Location
- Campus Woudestein
Below is a brief summary about the dissertation:
This dissertation focuses on presenting four distinct papers that make valuable contributions to the empirical asset pricing literature. Each paper delves into a different challenge within this field, yet they all share a common thread of studying investor behavior and market inefficiencies. The first chapter studies how economic forecasters and markets react to aggregated macro-economic news, which allows to study the rationality, and expectation formation. The second chapter addresses a recent challenge in the literature: p-hacking in academic research. In the past three decades hundreds of new factors that arguably explain the cross-section of returns have been discovered. The p-hacking literature recognizes that not all discoveries are valid, but some may be driven by luck or p-hacking. This chapter adds a new dimension to the p-hacking literature: freedom in research choices may allow for p-hacking. The third chapter touches upon non-information based trading, where we show that the rebalancing of option market makers is negatively priced in the cross-section of equity returns. The last chapter studies intraday return patterns and links the predictability to specific investor types, thereby challenging the investor homogeneity assumed in the traditional framework.
- More information
The public defence will begin exactly at 10.30 hrs. The doors will be closed once the public defence starts, latecomers may be able to watch on the screen outside. There is no possibility of entrance during the first part of the ceremony. Due to the solemn nature of the ceremony, we recommend that you do not take children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony.
A live stream link has been provided to the candidate.